Um~ It was written in a letter that my "Shishunki Miman~" was 2nd in a Taiwan (I think?) Best 20 Favorite Manga...Really?
A publisher a friend of mine knows didn't know if it was Best 10, 20, or 30 but I'm just happy it ranked... ;_;
I'm not really sure, but thank you. Translation by Tasuki no Miko
Oh yeah! Speaking of Taiwan, I actually got a fan letter from someone there. 15 year old Lee-san. Aaah, they're even reading it overseas. Incidentally, I also got a letter at the time of "Heart ni Jewel" from a half Chinese/half Japanese girl, Yuiren(I may have gotten the character wrong)-san. Cool that she seemed to add "-shi" <teacher/master>!! Let me use the name since it's cute. And a half English person as's international. (Sweat drop) But I don't want people of the actual place reading...this "Fushigi Yuugi". (Sweat drop) Oh yes, thanks again for the various tapes you sent. You know who you are. I've listened to them. B'z and TMN, "Ranma" BGM, Tape Letter, "Record of Lodoss War" BGM, etc. Ah, when I wrote about CoCo in "Shishunki--" I got quite a response!! Popular aren't they? Also thank you to the people who sent selections of CoCo songs having a "Shishunki--" image. They were really good. Definitely "You're Song, My Song" is perfect for Manato's singing "Living for Now". "Melody" is perfect for Asuka seeing Manato lurking in the rain. But the best is "Circus Game"!! I want it to be the theme song...As I speak, a "Shishunki Miman" CD is coming out!! I'll be on it too so definitely listen to it. Ah, people who this is their first volume, please check out all 3 volumes of "Shishunki--" too. (Heart)
But why wasn't one of CoCo's called..."Why?" put on the tape? Gasp, unbelievably, I-I'm getting away with telling this joke...!?

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Fushigi Yuugi©Watase Yuu/Shogakukan
Translation by Tasuki no Miko