Ah, I'm getting "Heroic Legend of Arslan" BGM for background music. As usual, readers were sending me songs they selected that fit "Fushigi~" Hmmm, I wanted to try listening to all of the songs. I loved it as a Kadokawa Shoten novel and as an animated movie so when I first saw the video I was "Oh?" It ended right away... Though Narsus was a super bishounen he was a little different from my image. But the original work was interesting. (I've only read the first part) Now I'm looking forward to the advancing of the story. I have loved heroic stuff from long ago. But recently not really the mania stuff... I love them but. There's also the stuff that overthrows the establishment. Hmm, fantasies are difficult. (Sweat drop) Oh yeah, I'm happy I was sent 5 other tapes. Well done to those who did dramas for "Suna no Tiara" etc. over the past half year. There were a lot but I took care to listen to all of them. Now speaking of the video, during work M-san was interesting. She used to be an animator so when the staff in the ending credits came up she said as if familiar with them "Ah, _____-san in woking on it" "Oh, _____-san". Strange to hear it. Uh, what seems popular with readers (I don't really know but) is Cyber Formula? (Ah, thanks to the person who gave me the CD) Guess I wasn't saying I had experience with it (Just a little)? Seems the key animation was done by women but whatever world it's really something. They're well versed also in the voice actor world and know a lot about Western films so they've become very diligent. The art is better than anything. S-san's been with me close to a year already but she too is strange. Ah, she'll get angry. I'm glad to talk to her since she's seriously aiming to be a manga artist but I often think this is "awesome" because she has really mastered crosshatching. Good luck on your debut. This Vol.4 is the last for U-san. A tone magician...Had beautiful proportions. I hope you're well~ I lost a good person. Huh? How come it became an assistant story?Translation by Tasuki no Miko

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Fushigi Yuugi©Watase Yuu/Shogakukan
Translation by Tasuki no Miko