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By jamesvalue

metallic watchstrap part2

If you feel unfamiliar with terms like color palette , layers palette , tools toolbar , tool options menu , please visit this page.

Download the script for this tutorial HERE! (only for psp8 owners).

To download the script , just right click on it and choose "save target as"(if you have a Microsoft O.S. and Browser), now rename the script from watchstrapJamesV.txt , to watchstrapJamesV.PspScript , then browse for the "script restrictedted" folder created by Paint shop pro 8 , and save the script into it.

Download the pspimage HERE! (only psp8 owners).
To download the pspimage, just right click on it and choose "save target as" then save it on your Hard Disk , and open it in Psp8.

On the left is what you'll get , on the right the reference image you should use.

In part1 we drawn the golden part of the watchstrap , now we have to draw the chromed part of the watchstrap , to do so we'll use the pen tool (V), and then we'll draw some closed shapes across our reference image.
Pick the pen tool (V) , then set the options menù for this tool to:
drawing mode=draw
drawing type=point to point draw

Now set the materials palette:
gradient name=chrome1 texture=none

Materials ready to be applied
Now we have to copy item2 of the reference image , drawing a closed shape whith the pen tool in a "point to point" fashion.
To draw the closed shape , this is one way:
tick some points on the canvas in a clockwise or counterclockwise order , and then before to exit the pen tool , drag the points into position to reach item2 shape.

Note - moving the last point into the position where the starting point actually is , causes the starting and last point , to merge together , and subsequently to get a closed shape.
This is the 4points closed shape , you should have drawn

Now pick the object selection tool (O) and select the last chromed shape you made .
Copy it : edit>copy and then paste : edit>paste>paste as a new vector selection using the positioning central handle (and of course a large zooming), drag this shape about 2pixels below from the bottom end of the chromed first shape , and about 2 pixels on the right of the golden part.
Using the bottom and right handles, adjust its height and its thickness to get the exact size you need.
The watchstrap start to get into shape.
Now using our reference image , copy item3.
Item3 is nothing but a rectangle , so to draw it just pick the preset shape tool (P) and set the tool option menù to : shape type=rectangle , antialias=yes , stroke width=0
activate the visibility toogle=on for the layer where , the reference image is located and just draw a rectangle similar to item3.
Using the appropriate handles , position the shape as precise as you can (2pixels left and bottom) .
Third chromed component has been added.
Now we have to draw the last shape.
Last shape is item4 and to draw it we'll use the pen tool (V) to draw a closed shape as we did before for item2.
So pick the pen tool (V) , and ensure these settings in the tools option menù and for the pen tool are applied:
New shape=yes , drawing type=draw , segment type=point to point , antialias=yes , other=defaults.

Using the pen tool draw the final shape (item4).
As usual pick the object selection tool (O) and move the shape positioning it as best as you can , but this time we also have to change the gradient angle through "shape properties".
Using the object menu , activate the object properties objects>properties for the vector object you just drawn , a window will open click on the fill box , the gradient window will open , here you can decide a lot of things about the gradient.
Set the the gradient angle to 353° to arrange the shape slope .
Gradient angle has been set to 353°.

The watchstrap is basically finished , we only need to organize further our jobs.
This is what you should have till now (the reference image layer has been turned off)

To part3
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