Home |Tutorials |Transparent buttons part1 | Transparent buttons part2

By jamesvalue

Tutorial Transparent buttons part2

thanks to Miss B to JimL to Juli to Fred for their languages corrections !

If you feel unfamiliar with terms like color palette , layers palette , tools toolbar , tool options menu , please visit this page.
We now add a metallic frame to the button , to do this just create another raster layer for the frame.
layer>new raster layer then deselect , selection>select none (ctrl+D).

Load the selection you saved before. selections>load/save selection>load selection from alpha channel.(load).

Invert the selection selection>invert

Set the material palette foreground style to a solid color=medium gray (RGB=192.192.192) and fill the selection.

Now invert the selection selections>invert
expand by 9 pixels selection>modify>expand (number of pixels=9)
invert again selections>invert
And then remove the unnecessary pixels : edit>clear (canc)
then deselect again , selections>select none (ctrl+D)

Now we'll give a 3d shape to the frame effects>3d effects>inner bevel

using the same settings of the image

We'll now Use the curves to give the frame a metallic looking
adjust>brightness and contrast>curves

copy the 4 Points curve from the image

Your final button should "more or less" look something like this

Making the buttons appears like transparent is quite simple in psp8 , for further details about the used tecnique you can go HERE.


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