
October 23, 2001

Playing Badmington at South China Club on Oct. 2, 2001

picture by Oriental Sunday - click on Leslie

October 17, 2001

Leslie in Macau for "Inner Senses" shooting

Leslie received great honours in Macau and... he's moving again because of Feng Shui!

picture by The Sun, Apple Daily, Show8 1-2 - visit MingPaoDaily, HKDaily 1/2/3, Oriental Daily, , SingTao, TakungPao, MingPaoWeekly, HKCyber, IChannel and StarEastNet (big beautiful pictures)

October 8, 2001

Leslie will attend the CASH Sail Award on October 26, 2001

He will sing his new song!!!!

picture by The Sun - visit also HKDailyNews and Sina

October 6, 2001

Leslie starts shooting his new movie "Inner Senses"

pictures by Oriental Daily, SingTao, Show8 and Orisun

visit also MingPaoDaily - TakungPao - WenWeiPo - HKDailyNews 1/2/3 - AppleDaily - The Sun - Udnnews - HKCyber - IChannel - MingPaoWeekly 1/2 - Orisun - StarEastNet (very beautiful big pictures!)

Hand in hand... the most lovely and sweet pictures from Sudden Weekly no. 323

click on cover to see pictures & here for Sudden Weekly on line - many thanks to S.

click here to read the article in English

October 4, 2001

An article about Leslie and Mr. Tong on Sudden Weekly no. 322


September 29 - 30, 2001

Autograph Session in Osaka and Tokyo

picture by AppleDaily

Sangyo Henshu Center Co. Ltd. web site - here - gallery - clip

visit: Leslietango - Love Gor Gor - Queen's Cafe - For Leslie Lovers 1/2 - Miss you much - Red Rose - Minority - Leslie Cheung Data Page

September 29, 2001

Leslie at I.T. FW2001 Fashion Show

Convention Centre in HK on Sept. 27

pictures by WenWeiPo and The Sun

visit MingPaoDaily 1/2 - AppleDaily - Oriental Daily 1/2 - HK Daily 1/2 - MingPaoWeekly 1/2 - IChannel 1/2

September 27, 2001

Two Wonderful Men

coming back from Thailand on Sept. 25 night!

pictures from AppleDaily, Oriental Daily and The Sun - visit also WenWeiPo

September 22, 2001

Leslie's at work for two new movies!

picture and news from OrientalDaily and The Sun - very special thanks to Anne and Susanna!

In Law Chi Leung's "Inner Senses" he will act as a psychologist and in a new action movie "Unicorn Hunt" he will act as a criminal. Dearest Leslie, we're waiting for you!

September 20, 2001

A Man Fighting in a Skirt

read the article from Mori Kei's Homepage

picture by William... he knows I love this picture very much!

September 16, 2001

Qing - Leslie Passion in China

Leslie's new Japanese photobook by Wing Shya

published since September 15, 2001 by Sangyo Henshu Center Co. Ltd. - Japan

visit MingPaoDaily - Oriental Daily - HKDailyNews - TaKungPao - IChannel - - Show8 - HKCyber - about Wing Shya

pictures by SingTao - WenWeiPo - HKDailyNews - StarEastnet and Sangyo Henshu Center Co. Ltd.

September 14, 2001

Birthday Party in Hong Kong

Leslie celebrated his birthday with Mr. Tong and good friends playing mahjong and having a dinner in a restaurant in Wanchai.

Click on the star below to know more about the birthday of a star!

pictures by MingPaoDaily, Oriental Daily, HKDailyNews, MingPaoWeekly and AppleDaily

visit The Sun - IChannel - Stareastnet - Netvigator -

September 12, 2001


graphics from

visit MingPaoDaily, The Sun, MingPaoWeekly, Show8 and HKCyber (Sept. 13, 2001)

September 4, 2001

Leslie went out for midnight dinner to the noodle shop in Happy Valley

pictures from AppleDaily


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