Birthday: November 17 (25 years old)
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Height: 193cm
Bloodtype: Unknown
Birthplace: The hin race in the West
Family: No relatives
Interests: Torturing Tamahome
Powers: Spells using his chi, telekinesis
Personality: Cool and calm

Seiryuu Seishi Translation by Tasuki no Miko
A shogun who commands 2/3 of Kutou Country's military. His symbol appears on his forehead. Born of a foreign people, he's cruel and merciless, perhaps it's a reflection of the misery of half of his life? Never giving in to his emotions, he's a schemer who'll use any means necessary to achieve his objectives. Calculated and egotistic, he keeps a pokerface but on the other hand he charms others with his strange charismatic nature. With his blond hair, blue eyes, and gorgeous looks, it seems that he is the creator's favorite character. He has a bit of a dangerous interest in torturing Tamahome.

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Fushigi Yuugi©Watase Yuu/Shogakukan
Translation by Tasuki no Miko