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Industrial Vehicles
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Case Studies
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Software Development
Software Assistance



Lares S.r.l. produces photometric systems since its foundation, September 13, 1985.

photometric measurement equipment

Lares S.r.l. offers its proper experience in the development of photometric measurement systems and in the layout of these in the customer's plant. The products that require it are installed by Lares, calibrated and delivered ready to use.

If the supplied software does not match the customer's requirement, Lares is available to develop custom software to meet the specific site needs.

road illumination simulation softwareIn collaboration with Lares, we developed a software for the realistic photo simulation of the illumination of a road scene.

The software is capable of elaborating photometric data derived by experimental headlight tests.

The data gets integrated in a digital model of the scene, built by the user, in a guided way, using a database of objects and simple interface windows. The position and the angle of the headlights are defined by using the control window. Each parameter of color and brightness response of the surfaces can be modified and regulated by the user. Each object added on the scene can be easily positioned on the 3D area. The database of the objects, the road and the lights can easily be integrated and updated. Even the environmental night light and effects such as fog are under the direct control of the user.

By analyzing all the choices made by the user, the foto realistic yield of the motor used by the software is able to calculate the distribution of the light intensity, in the 3D virtual environment. Hence the software performs a fiducial rendering of test data acquired from test equipment.