About of PRUSSIA

Comune di Rimini - La storia - Rimini: dalla fondazione alla ricostruzione

  • . Il documento,   che prende il nome dalla bulla , sigillo di metallo che ne garantiva l'autenticità, dava mandato all'Ordine dei Cavalieri Teutonici riunito a Rimini, di evangelizzare la Prussia pagana, stabilendo che tale regione divenisse possedimento dell'Ordine con sovranità illimitata.

    ..:::: GlobalMedia - New Media Factory ::::..
  • . Realizzazione del sito web e CD-Rom della omonima trasmissione di Guido Prussia andata in onda su Italia 1 (3 anni: 1998/2000) e su Rai 2 (1 anno: 2001).

    ..:::: GlobalMedia - New Media Factory ::::..
  • . Realization of site and CD-Rom of the Guido Prussia programme, showed from 1998 since 2000 on Italia 1 and on Rai 2 on 2001, with the same name.
  • . Portal of the Milan shop with the same name, specialized in American original clothes and curiosity on-line selling (from a Guido Prussia idea).

    Documents Relating to the Baltic Crusade
  • . And to bewilder the Church they would not allow them to be given burial, so that as time passed the new converts and others, Prussians and pagans, would come to see this spectacle and think them [the Swordbrothers] greater than the Church of Rome.
  • . Mary of the Teutons [i.e., the Teutonic Order] and his brothers the authority to receive the land of Culm and all the land which Conrad Duke of Masovia and Cujavia promised and offered to the house, and also of invading Prussia and exercising due rights of the emperor without paying any service or tax.
  • . So he wishes to inform present and future men of the empire that his faithful man Brother Hermann of Salza has explained in his presence that Duke Conrad [of Cujavia-Masovia] has promised and offered them the land of Culm, which is within the frontier territory and boundaries of Prussia, intending that they should take up the work and press on with the opportunity to enter and obtain the land of Prussia for the honour and glory of the True God.
  • . Afra, re the complaints of Bishop Christian of Prussia against the Teutonic order.
  • . 4) Although the bishop had conceded certain episcopal rights to the brothers on certain agreements, by which the brothers undertook to enlarge the bishopric, attack the pagans and defend the preaching of the gospel of peace and the Catholic faith, the brothers did not defend him when the Prussians captured him, nor even ransom him when they received papal instructions to do so.
  • . They allowed certain Prussian nobles whom they could have exchanged for the bishop to go free in exchange for money, and they killed a certain newly-converted noble, who had given his son as a hostage for the bishop, because they could not extort as much money from him as they wished.
  • . They detained the whole of the land of Prussia, against their agreement.
  • . 6) Although they had received many benefits in the land of Culm in order to defend the honour and rights of the bishop of Prussia, they were so ungrateful that not only did they not do the due service but they prevented pilgrims from having recourse to the bishop.

    T E M P L A R I
  • Medioevo & Dintorni Main Menu Login Form Nome Utente Password _REMEMBER_ME ? Non hai ancora un account? Abbiamo 7 visitatori online Medioevo & Dintorni STORIA DELL’ORDINE TEUTONICO (di Tommaso Peruzzi) (Ultima parte - la parte precedente è su “Studi & Ricerche” di questa stessa edizione) Alla fine del XIII secolo il dominio dell’Ordine Teutonico su Prussia e Livonia era ormai consolidato, e l’assimilazione delle popolazioni ex pagane procedeva speditamente.
  • . La Polonia rispondeva a questa sorta di embargo ostacolando e boicottando le attività dei mercanti prussiani fino ad impedire loro il transito sul territorio polacco.
  • . Nel 1466 iniziarono i negoziati che portarono alla seconda pace di Thorun, con la quale l’Ordine Teutonico rinunciò al possesso dei territori meridionali a vantaggio della Polonia pur conservando la sovranità sulla Prussia orientale e sulla Livonia.
  • . Fece atto di vassallaggio e ricevette dalle mani del re polacco il titolo di feudo ereditario del Ducato di Prussia.
  • . Con tale atto potè ottenere lo stato giuridico, per se e per i suoi discendenti, del vincolo di fedeltà delle popolazioni prussiane sottomesse all’Ordine.

  • info: PRUSSIA

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    Storia dei Mille 01
  • . L'Austria, che non aveva potuto aiutar con l'armi i principi fuggiti a tornare, dichiarava caso di guerra l'ingresso anche d'un solo soldato piemontese nell'Italia centrale: la Russia era apertamente ostile non soltanto a che Toscana e Ducati e Legazioni si unissero al regno di Vittorio Emanuele, ma ancora a che si scegliessero un Sovrano: la Prussia consigliava il Piemonte di rimetter esso stesso in trono i principi fuggiti.
  • . I diplomatici italiani avevano un bel dire fin da allora ai prussiani che la Germania mostrava desiderio di rompere i legami posti anche a lei dai trattati del 1815: quegli uomini di Stato, sebbene sapessero che presto la Germania avrebbe fatto ciò che già faceva l'Italia, insistevano perché il Piemonte si contentasse della Lombardia, si consolidasse bene e lasciasse tempo al tempo.
  • . Infatti mostrò ancora il suo broncio il 2 aprile, nella seduta inaugurale del nuovo Parlamento in Torino; nella qual seduta, con manifesta avversione, non si fecero vedere i rappresentanti diplomatici di Russia, Prussia, Spagna e del Belgio.
  • . Ma Francesco aveva preferito la neutralità, sperando che Russia, Prussia, Inghilterra si sarebbero messe dalla parte dell'Austria, e che la guerra del '59 sarebbe finita come quella del '48.

  • Prussia Prussian The people which in history is called Prussian is the population that in the migration of nations settled in that part of the Baltic coast-land which in the second half of the Middle Ages was known as Prussia.
  • . The land extending from the south-eastern coast of the Baltic Sea to the Masurian Lakes district was called "Prussia" by its Polish neighbours in the 10th century.
  • . People inhabiting those lands from at least the 5th century BCE spoke a variety of languages belonging to the western branch of the Baltic languages Because the Baltic tribes inhabiting Prussia never formed a common political and territorial organisation (a state), they had no reason to adopt a common ethnic name.
  • . Tacitus may have been referring to peoples living in what was later East Prussia when, in AD 98, he wrote of the Aesti in his Germania.
  • . see ) Links: In 1220 Conrad of Masovia invaded and even conquered some of the Prussian territory return to "" from 1226.
  • . Teutonic Order (German Military Order of Knights), which was expelled from Hungary in 1225 for their excessive demands, are invited by a Polish Duke Conrad of Mazowia, with lands on the lower reaches of the Vistula river, to help him fight the pagan Prussians.
  • . By this charter, Frederick confirmed to Hermann and to the Order not only the lands to be granted by Conrad, but also those that the knights were to conquer from the Prussians.
  • . Later (1234), Hermann also secured privileges from Pope Gregory IX, which can be regarded as the second foundation charter of the Order’s Prussian State: the papacy was ready to accept the Order’s current and future conquests as the property of the Holy See and to grant them back to the Order in perpetual tenure.
  • . Pope Gregory IX, who in the autumn of the same years calls for a crusade against the Prussians, confirms this illegal grant.
  • . Combined German and Polish forces cross the Vistula River and begin the invasion of Prussian lands.

    I Cavalieri Teutonici
  • . Tra il 1225 ed il 1226 il duca polacco Corrado di Masovia chiamò i Teutonici per combattere i pagani della vicina Prussia.
  • . Von Salza, approfittando degli ottimi rapporti intercorrenti con la Corte sveva, ottenne da Federico II, il 26 marzo del 1226 a Rimini, la conferma imperiale delle donazioni fatte dallo stesso duca sul territorio di Chelmno (Kulmerland), ed il diritto dell'Ordine di conquistare ed evangelizzare la Prussia.
  • . Nel 1237 al territorio prussiano venne annessa la Livonia, regione assegnata ai Cavalieri Portaspada che furono inglobati dai Teutonici i quali, successivamente, assoggettarono anche l’Estonia.
  • . Dopo tale evento, l’Ordine concentrò i suoi sforzi prevalentemente contro le popolazioni lituane che popolavano i territori posti tra la Prussia e la Livonia: nonostante l'ostinata resistenza opposta dalle tribù locali, nel 1283 la Prussia poteva dirsi definitivamente conquistata dagli uomini dal bianco mantello con la croce nera.
  • . Le idee protestantiche, infatti, minarono la loro fede incrollabile, causando una scissione interna, finché nel 1525 il gran maestro Alberto di Brandeburgo aderì alla causa luterana trasformando la Prussia in ducato ereditario brandeburghese.
  • . Albrecht von , su invito dello stesso Lutero aderì alla causa luterana e lasciò la giuda dell’Ordine, trasformando poi lo stato prussiano da stato dell’Ordine Teutonico a stato laico di Brandenburgo.
  • . Quindi l'Ordine, pur rimanendo fermamente cattolico, perse la regione prussiana e rimase senza Gran Maestro per quasi due anni.

  • ALBERT, DUKE OF PRUSSIA 502 ALBERT EDWARD NtANZAALBERTINELLI them, and Fort La Jonquiere was established near the present city of Calgary (1752).
  • . ALBERTINELLI, MARIOTTO (1474-1515), Italian painter, was born in Florence, and was a fellow-pupil and partner of Fra Bartolommeo, with wh6m he painted many works, ffls « » To properly cite this ALBERT, DUKE OF PRUSSIA article in your work, copy the complete reference below: "ALBERT, DUKE OF PRUSSIA." LoveToKnow 1911 Online Encyclopedia.

    Teutonic Order: Definition and Much More From
  • . After a brief period (1221–25) in Transylvania, where it fought for King Andrew II of Hungary against the, the order responded to a call (1226) of the Polish Duke Conrad of Mazovia for a crusade against the Prussians.
  • . After some 50 years of successful campaigning the knights had subdued (i.e., the lands later known as East Prussia and West Prussia) and founded numerous towns and fortresses.
  • . The Prussians, who had repeatedly risen in revolt, were reduced to serfdom (13th cent.), and German emigrants arrived to settle the land.
  • . The order was strongly centralized, and its administration and colonization laid the foundation of the Prussian state.
  • . In 1410 the Poles and Lithuanians routed the order at ; successive warfare with Poles ensued and by the second Treaty of Torun (1466) the knights were forced to cede West Prussia and Pomerelia to Poland, retaining only East Prussia as a Polish fief.
  • . Their capital was transferred to Königsberg in East Prussia.
  • . The fatal blow to the order was delivered in 1525 by its own grand master, , who accepted the Reformation, declared Prussia a secular duchy, and was invested as duke by Sigismund I of Poland.
  • . After basing itself in Prussia, the Order launched many attacks, accompanied by great cruelty to the peasantry, against the Kingdom of Poland and the .
  • . It is a fair assessment that by the time the Order was situated in Prussia, it was more interested in the power, lands and plunder attained through warfare than the spreading of a Christian faith that was largely already in place (Pichel, 1975).
  • . Panorama view of the Order's Castle Marienburg in Malbork Teutonic Order in Prussia Frederick II allows the Order to invade Prussia , by P.
  • . bestowed the Order a special imperial privilege to possession of Prussia including Culmerland .
  • . The conquest of Prussia was accomplished with great bloodshed over more than 50 years, during which the native, who remained unbaptised, either fell in battle, were subjugated, enslaved, or forced into exile facing extermination.

  • Benefits

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    Teutonic Knights 2 - Crystalinks
  • . Mary in Jerusalem expanded 1230 - Kulm recognized by Pope Gregory IX as belonging to the Teutonic Knights 1231 - Teutonic Knights' Hermann Balke advanced into Prussia 1231 - Gautier of Brienne gave the Teutonic Knights Beauvoir 1231 - St.
  • . Elizabeth of Hungary died at Marburg; later was canonized (1234) 1234 - Teutonic Knights won the battle at Sirguna, Prussia 1234 - Pope took control of Prussia; leased it to the Teutonic Knights Spring, 1235 - Dobriner Order incorporated into Teutonic Knights; approved by Frederick II and Gregory IX Sept., 1235 - Andrew II of Hungary died; Bela IV succeeded him (until 1270) Dec.
  • . 28, 1309 - Trial of Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Templars (in Paris) 1309 - Hospitallers' headquarters moved from Cyprus to Rhodes 1309 - Teutonic Knights' headquarters moved from Venice to Prussia May 16, 1312 - Hospitallers awarded Templars' estates throughout western Europe, Cyprus, and Greece Mar.

    ORB -- The Teutonic Knights
  • . Mary in Jerusalem expanded 1230 - Kulm recognized by Pope Gregory IX as belonging to the Teutonic Knights 1231 - Teutonic Knights' Hermann Balke advanced into Prussia 1231 - Gautier of Brienne gave the Teutonic Knights Beauvoir 1231 - St.
  • . Elizabeth of Hungary died at Marburg; later was canonized (1234) 1234 - Teutonic Knights won the battle at Sirguna, Prussia 1234 - Pope took control of Prussia; leased it to the Teutonic Knights Spring, 1235 - Dobriner Order incorporated into Teutonic Knights; approved by Frederick II and Gregory IX Sept., 1235 - Andrew II of Hungary died; Bela IV succeeded him (until 1270) Dec.
  • . 28, 1309 - Trial of Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Templars (in Paris) 1309 - Hospitallers' headquarters moved from Cyprus to Rhodes 1309 - Teutonic Knights' headquarters moved from Venice to Prussia May 16, 1312 - Hospitallers awarded Templars' estates throughout western Europe, Cyprus, and Greece Mar.

    ORB -- The Teutonic Knights
  • . Mary in Jerusalem expanded 1230 Kulm recognized by Pope Gregory IX as belonging to the Teutonic Knights 1231 Teutonic Knights' Hermann Balke advanced into Prussia 1231 Gautier of Brienne gave the Teutonic Knights Beauvoir 1231 St.
  • . Elizabeth of Hungary died at Marburg; later was canonized (1234) 1234 Teutonic Knights won the battle at Sirguna, Prussia 1234 Pope took control of Prussia; leased it to the Teutonic Knights Spring, 1235 Dobriner Order incorporated into Teutonic Knights; approved by Frederick II and Gregory IX Sept., 1235 Andrew II of Hungary died; Bela IV succeeded him (until 1270) Dec.
  • . 28, 1309 Trial of Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Templars (in Paris) 1309 Hospitallers' headquarters moved from Cyprus to Rhodes 1309 Teutonic Knights' headquarters moved from Venice to Prussia May 16, 1312 Hospitallers awarded Templars' estates throughout western Europe, Cyprus, and Greece Mar.

  • . 6; - Prussia, la mia Israele , „Il Sole 24 ore", 11.