Concerto Nightwish -Sonata Artica



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And here they came... The Nightwish!!!

October 28th, 2004 - A day to remember... Nightwish's & Sonata Arctica's gig in Milan, Mazda Palace.

Here below you'll see a couple of photos and some videos

(not so high quality), longing for the complete shooting of the gig by the

great and patient "IlMaideniano" from's forum..




Nightwish haven't touched the Italian ground since far 1997, while Sonata Arctica played in Palalido, here in Milan, in 2000,

supporting Stratovarius and Rhapsody during the "Infinite Tour". Nightwish's setlist was really satisfactory, as their on-stage attitude.

Sonata were the supporter band, so, in order to get a more complete and a more enjoyable setlist, we'll have to wait their

upcoming headliner european tour, which will start in Spring 2005 and will take them in our paeninsula once again.


Before to offer you the pics of the show (I know you can't wait ^_^) here you are the complete setlist of the show.


Sonata Arctica

- Reckoning Day, Reckoning Night
- Misplaced
- Blinded No More
- 8th Commandment
- Victoria’s Secret
- Broken
- Replica
- My Land
- Black Sheep
- Don’t Say A Word
- The Cage
- Vodka Song



Setlist 28 Ottobre 2004, MILANO


- Dark Chest Of Wonders
- Planet Hell
- Deep Silent Complete
- The Phantom Of The Opera
- Ever Dream
- Sleeping Sun
- Symphony Of Destruction (Megadeth cover)
- Bless The Child
- The Kinslayer
- Wishmaster
- Dead Boy's Poem
- Slaying The Dreamer
- Nemo
- Ghost Love Score
- Wish I Had An Angel

And now the photos...

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