. Concerto Nightwish -Sonata Artica



Rapid Menu: home gig - intro photos - photos - videos


Here you see, in the crowd, a million of lights... mobile phones, digital cameras and so on in order to catch the magic moment!

Mazda Palace was full of people, over 7000 tickets sold... and you gotta know that the gig had to be performed in small "Transilvania Live" club..














From left to right: Jani Liimatainen, Sonata's guitarist, signing autographs (in background Marko Paasikoski, bass player); Baenzo Doge Mathematicus, Henrk Klingenberg, Sonata's keyboard player and Jing, Jing and Jani, Jing and... that's it!

Below we have two group-pics of Truemetal.it's Forum and, on the right side, Bonats "TheLastViking" with Klingenberg, to whom he taught rude expressions and italian swearing not to mention here...

And here you are all other photos, I tried to improve them with Photoshop, but I didn't spend so much time, so try to be content with them: photos

From here, instead, you will get to the video page.