In this section: New IG sprues !! How to use wisely the new IG box !! XXVI Valhallan Infantry Regiment Epic 40.000 Spreadsheet Epic 40.000 Campaign Rules

GW don't sell Epic 40.000 in Italy.

It is a strange affair, but
you cannot buy Epic 40k in italian GW approved shops... So if you want to play this game you have to:
a) buy it from GW mail order, so you have to pay 11.5 US$ for shipping
b) buy it from a parallel import channel and pay for it an inflated price (i.e. you have to pay 9 pounds for a 5 pounds box...)

I have a question for GW's management... WHY ????
Your products are very expensive but we still buy it... so why do you adopt this politic ?


01/23/98: Imperial Guard Section   with photo of the IG box's sprue and other Epic pages !!

Epic is a 1/300 sci fi combat system, Epic 40.000 is the last effort by GW. This new system is a fast and simple system, smaller and simpler than his predecessor, Epic 2nd Edition.
GW's editors reduced the pletora of units that was in 2nd ed. and simplified game's mechanics. They produced three well written booklets and a beginner introduction so you can play simple games while you read the ruleset. Citadel produced a new vast range of plastic/metal miniatures that are often better than older versions... but
But the bad news are their prices... the little infantry boxes now contains 1/5 of the older boxes... i.e. in the Space Marines infantry box, called Space Marine Combat Group, you now find only 1 sprue and it costs 5 pounds !!!

The main revision in the ruleset is in army composition, you don't use old company/support cards but you can choose your units from an army list without the severe limitations of the 2nd edition. This system can lead to ultra cheesy army, but I like this flexibility and with a proper use you can have exciting battles !!
I'm currently waiting the release of Imperial Guard infantry box, I have a lot of old Chimeras and Leman Russes and I'll buy some infantry in order to field an I.G. only army.
I play IG in Warhammer 40k too and I like the idea of an entire tank company, real artillery support and so on !!!

Stay tuned, I'll upload as soon as possible some E40k stuff !!

Btw there is a cool mailing list devoted to Epic/Epic 40k, you can subscribe sending a message to the address with a blank subject and the words:
subscribe space-marine in the message text.
Mr Alan Brain from Australia, one of the mailing list guy, wrote this Excel spreadsheet for Orks army, try it and send me your suggestions. I'll upload my spreadsheets as soon as possible ! Check the 40k's section for other spreadsheets.

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Page created: 12/01/1997
Last update: 03/30/1998