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Maximum Firepower Ultra Prime is a massive one bot army. What he lacks in flexibility, he makes up in fire power. The armor on his left wrist also makes a nasty blunt weapon in hand-to-hand combat. Once you form him, try placing him next to Fortress Maximus. It's almost difficult to call which would win in a fight!

Creating Maximum Firepower requires using all of the parts from Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime.



STEP 1: Follow Hasbro/Takara's instructions for forming Omega Prime (instructions should be included with both toys).

STEP 2: Take the leftover parts (belonging to Optimus Prime). These parts can be used to form Prime's sad looking rocket platform with the giant robot head sticking out of the base (what were they thinking?) but in this case, you're going to make better use of them. Take the two pieces containing Prime's larger white fists and transform them as if you were making the Fire Truck mode (you may need the Hasbro/Takara instructions to do this). Take the pieces containing Prime's larger feet and transform them for Fire truck mode too BUT keep the feet sticking out. Take the ladder/larger head componant and rotate the base of the ladder so that it is facing AWAY from the head. Angle the ladder at approx. 90 degrees from its base.

STEP 3: You'll notice that each of Optimus's "hand" pieces has two equal sized pegs running along one of their sides. You'll also notice that the lower left arm of the robot has two peg holes running along two of its sides (the right lower arm has these pegs too, but ignore those for now). Now attach the "hand" pieces to the lower left arm with these pegs, making sure that they are facing the same way that I have them facing in the picture below. If they are facing the wrong way, they will not stay on well.

STEP 4: Both of Optimus's "foot" pieces have a peg hole on their bottom sides. Hold either of the "foot" pieces so that the side with the blue circles on it is facing towards you, the feet are pointing to the floor, and the side with the peg hole is facing the outer side of one of the robot's legs (this should only work for one of the legs, depending on which "foot" piece you've chosen). You'll notice a peg sticking out of the robot's leg that will fit the "foot" piece's leg hole. Attach the piece to the robot's leg using this peg.

STEP 5: You should only have the ladder/head piece and two other pieces left now. Take those two other pieces. You'll notice a large groove running through the middle of both pieces. With their "metal bar" sides facing you, snap the outer sides of the robot's wings into those grooves as shown below.

STEP 6: There is no good way to explain this next part in words. So just remove Ultra Magnus's gun from the robot's shoulders and make it look like it does in the picture below. Make sure the red tabs are EXACTLY where they are in the picture.

STEP 7: If you look at the robot's lower right arm, you'll notice that in addition to the two matching peg holes running along the outerside of his arm there is another larger peg hole below them. There is a peg on the gun's handle which fits this hole. Use it to attach the gun to the outer part of the robot's lower right arm. Press the gun's rear red tab against the top of the lower right arm to hold the gun in place.

STEP 8: Now it's time to use that pesky ladder/head piece. Hold it above the robot's head so that the ladder's head is facing behind the robot and the ladder is facing in front of it. Lower the piece and allow the gray tab below the ladder's head and chest to slide into the groove just above where the robot's two wings meet.

Once the tab goes through the wedge, bend the tab up in order to lock it in place. Now take the tip of the base of the ladder and point it downwards so that it is wedged directly behind the robot's head. BE CAREFUL! The ladder is heavy and can tip the robot over if you are not holding it.

Now tilt the robot's upper body back ever so slightly in order to balance the ladder's weight. If necessary, angle the ladder further upwards to steady the robot. It may take a little adjusting, but the robot will be able to stand safely on its own.




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