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Maximum Firepower Ultra Prime is ideal for range combat, but for hand-to-hand combat he'll need less weight and more agility. That's where Flexible Combat Ultra Prime comes in. This Ultra Prime carries some bulky armor, but it's arranged in such a way that it can literally help him throw his weight around in combat. Initial movement requires substantial energy, but the weight of the armor on which ever limb he moves does the work after that. It aids him to move faster and strike harder.

Flexible Combat Ultra Prime uses all of Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus's parts EXCEPT for Optimus's ladder and Ultra Magnus's gun. If you're one of those Transformers purists who doesn't believe in keeping extra parts around that are only used for SOME transforming modes, then don't worry. I feel the same way. Steps three and four will show you how you don't need these pieces for ANY of the Transforming modes.



STEP 1: Follow Steps 1-5 for making MAXIMUM FIREPOWER ULTRA PRIME. Ignore any instructions involving Optimus Prime's ladder. There is a link at the end of the instructions to get back to this page, though you might simply want to open the instructions in a new window by right clicking the link.

STEP 2: Remove the "hand" piece on the right side (or inner side) of Ultra Prime's left lower arm and attach it to the right side (or outer side) of Ultra Prime's right lower arm. Now you've formed FLEXIBLE COMBAT ULTRA PRIME. If you want to give him a lightweight weapon, I've found that the sword from the late 1990's version of Lion Voltron works perfectly for him (much better than Ultra Magnus's gun). See the picture above.

STEP 3: HOW TO MAKE THE OTHER MODES WORK WITHOUT THE GUN AND LADDER: You'll notice that Ultra Magnus never needs his gun. It's too big for him in robot mode, and removing it in truck mode allows him to carry an extra car. It might seem, on the other hand, that Prime needs his ladder/head for both truck mode and larger robot mode (who cares about rocket platform mode? It's terrible), but that's not true. First, try forming Optimus' fire truck mode without the ladder piece (this will require taking apart Ultra Prime). As you can see in the picture below, this allows Prime to function as a cool looking car transport. He's no Ultra Magnus, but between the two of them, they can carry most of the autobots.

STEP 4: Now for Prime's larger robot mode. Follow the Hasbro/Takara instructions to make the larger robot but try NOT adding the ladder/head. Not only does Prime look tougher that way (his shoulders, arms, and legs all look huge compared to his body), but that stupid ladder part isn't getting in the way, allowing him to be more agile and speedy in combat.

In fact, this also leaves you the right amount of parts to form Optimus Prime's War Machine and War Machine 2 modes (see RID alt modes for RID Optimus Prime).


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