The Good...




The often-confused Belvador often seems even more blind than the rest of his faceless companions from the Planet of The Robots Without Faces, though it's probably just stupidity. Apparently, Belvador also has a knack for shoving toaster strudels in the Autobots' main control console.

Belvador recently returned from Asteroid CX-IV in search of allies to help rescue the other Robots Without Faces, though he's unable to explain how he managed to do so.

Battle wins: 0/0

Fists?: Claws

First appearance:
Ep 55


Bobimus Prime

The older brother to Optimus Prime, Bobimus was first introduced in the midst of an Autobot election scandal in which he was involved. Since then, Bobimus has shaken his booty as a member of the elite music group 'N Dysguise, temporarily led the team while Optimus was injured, and become a regular team staple.

Battle wins: 0/0

Fists?: Yes

First appearance:
Ep 32



The most argumentative citizen of the Planet of the Robots Without Faces, Cosborg still holds a grudge against Poseidave for having a face. Though a coupe may eventually be in order, Cosborg has laid low in the meanwhile.

Cosborg and Webstar are currently stranded on Asteroid CX-IV, after taking a seriously wrong turn on I-80.

Battle wins: 0/0

Fists?: Claws

First appearance:
Ep 55



This lovable, huggable, killable junior Autobot first mysteriously surfaced at Optimus Prime's makeshift funeral, and has continued to harrass Optimus with hero worship ever since. Daniel's tendency to come back from the dead hasn't helped things either (Satan granted him immortality in exchange for his soul when he dies...twice).

Battle wins: 0/4 (shot by Prime three times and caught in a nuclear exposion once)

Fists?: Until they're shot off

First appearance:
Ep 27


Dark Grapple

Grapple could easily have been defined as the Autobots' least memorable character until he was murdered by Phil for lacking fashion sense. Strangely enough, he was soon reincarnated as Dark Grapple who, joined with the Phoenix entity, commands mighty powers enabling him to hover in place and/or destory Tokyo. A practical use for these abilities is yet to be found.

Dark Grapple is an empassioned proponant of Kenyan Pygmyism.

Battle wins: 2/4 (victories were against Tokyo)

Fists?: Nope

First appearance:
Ep 1 (As Grapple)
Ep 17 (As Dark Grapple)


Flamewing & His Blazing Turkey of Vengence

Little is known about this mysterious pair, like how or when they officially joined the Autobots, but shortly after a bad audition for the positions, they found themselves side by side with our favorite bots, shaking their booty for TRL. Flamewing and his blazing turkey were recently married, but genders are anyone's guess, as are any "flame" or "blazing" abilities they may or may not possess.

Battle wins: 1/1 (against Galvaphil)

Fists?: Flamewing only

First appearance:
Ep 14 (cameo)
Ep 15 (full)


Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime is the (occasionally) fearless leader of the Autobots, which he assembled one day when he was hungry and decided he'd need help looking for a Twinkie. A model leader, Prime found himself knocked unconscious by Fred for four of the first eight episodes. He later threw himself from a cliff when he realized that he didn't have a mouth with which to eat Twinkies, but was quickly rebuilt as Optimus Prime II. No stranger to danger, Prime was soon completely obliterated once again against the likes of GalvaPhil and resurrected to look like Wonder Woman.

Battle wins: 1/5 (Victory occured when Optimus bit Fred in the trademark)

Fists?: Yes

First appearance:
Ep 1 (As Optimus Prime)
Ep 29 (As Optimus Prime II)
Ep 57 (As Wonder Woman)



Poseidon's brother, and the leader of the Planet of the Robots Without Faces by default, Poseidave took the planet's entire population of three robots with him to Earth in order to return Poseidon's estranged son to him. In the process, they managed to turn Optimus Prime into Wonder Woman.

Poseidave mysteriously vanished around the time of Poseidon's death, and has not been seen since.

Battle wins: 0/0

Fists?: Yes

First appearance:
Ep 54



Considered by many (or at least himself) to be the brains of the operation, Poseidon accomplished more in eighty episodes than most bots accomplish in a productive afternoon. He made first contact with the human race and bought their representitive a brewski, tasted his first McDonalds' value meal, watched Designing Women, watched Bots Gone Wild: Spring Break, ran around in his boxers, peed with the bathroom door open, single-handedly defeated The Not-Even-Close-To-Being-A Unicron Wanna-be, attempted an assasination on Prime, stole the Matrix, gained sudden success on TRL, lost that same success by offending his fan-base (including Cybertron as a whole), sold the Matrix on ebay, watched a Mama's Family marathon, reunited with his brother and estranged son after 348 years, pioneered September 11th cereal, became a living legend as a result, and was assassinated Kennedy-style. Poseidon accomplished most of this without even using his Dodge Omni mode.

Battle wins: 2/4 (Finally done in by a giant phallic missile)

Fists?: Yes, and darned proud of 'em

First appearance:
Ep 1

Final appearance:
Ep 80


Sexo De Gato

This sexy Latin space pirate abducts entire crews and makes them his prisoner, but that doesn't mean he won't entertain them in the process! Sexo's extravegant musical dance numbers have drawn the acclaim of many, and have even succeeded in partially obliterating the ACT universe for one eigth of a panel.

Battle wins: 0/0

Fists?: Sexy latin ones.

First appearance:
Ep 102



The least outspoken citizen of the Planet of the Robots Without Faces, little is known of this character, other than the fact that he's blind.

Webstar and Cosborg are currently stranded on asteroid CX-IV, after taking a seriously wrong turn on I-80.

Battle wins: 0/0

Fists?: Claws

First appearance:
Ep 55