E N T E R C.S.U. · Photo UlrichsDay2007
L'Aquila ( Storia ) · Libri-documenti · MANOR


1) Breve  Storia della città di  L'Aquila.

2) A brief history of L'Aquila (english version)

3) Information,transportation

to L'Aquila.

4) Image L'Aquila and Links














Breve  Storia della città di L'Aquila.




L’anno di fondazione della città dell’Aquila è da ritenersi intorno il 1245 sotto il governo dell’Imperatore Federico II°. Nel 1253 acquisterà prestigio e grande aspansione sociale ed economica nel regno di Corrado IV°. La tradizione vuole che alle origini della sua nascita , vi sia l’unione dei 99 castelli sparsi sul territorio circostante che contribuirono alla costruzione di 99 piazze, 99 chiese, 99 fontane, ed a testimonianza dell’evento lo splendido complesso della fontana delle 99 cannelle (provate a contarle non avreta mai lo stesso risultato….).L’Aquila raggiungerà una autonomia governativa ed economica (coniava moneta ) con una crescente importanza politica nel periodo di Alessandro IV°. Nella storia della città furono numerosissimi gli eventi che ne caratterizzarono l’evoluzione, tra gli altri: nel 1259 la distruzione da parte di Manfredo, la ricostruzione alcuni anni dopo, da parte di Carlo I°; nel 1272 la città è costituita dai quattro Quarti (rioni) , il Quarto di S. Giusta, il Quarto di S. Flaviano, il Quarto di S. Pietro, il Quarto di S.ta Maria di Paganica. Data importantissima per la città è il 1249, anno dell’ incoronazione nella Basilica di S.ta Maria di Collemaggio di papa Celestino V°, il santo eremita la cui rinuncia al trono e la sua morte sono ancora oggi fonte di discussione e misteri. ( A Celestino V° nel suo breve periodo di pontificato si deve la promulgazione della "Bolla del Perdono" con l’apertura della porta Santa nella Basilica di Collemaggio, celebrata oggi alla fine del mese di Agosto, è la piu’ grande e sentita festa cittadina sia religiosa che civile.) Negli annali di L’Aquila lotte e battaglie si susseguono da Fortebraccio Conte di Montone, ai tremendi conflitti tra francesi e spagnoli, nel 1532 Don Pedro di Toledo erige la possente struttura militare del Forte Spagnolo (il Castello) altro simbolo della città. Nel 1703 la città fu semidistrutta da un disastroso terremoto, ma con forza e sacrifici fu ricostruita…… nel 1860 L’Aquila diventa ed è tuttora sede del capoluogo della regione Abruzzo.















A brief history of L'Aquila



The foundations of the city were planned by Emperor Frederick II° of Hohenstauffen in 1245. However, the city had its greatest period of expansion under Conrad IV° and was almost completed in 1253, just one year before his death. According to tradition, the people who excuted Frederick’s plans were the inhabitants of the 99 castles supposedly situaded in the Aquilan basin. The city had an autonomous organization with a governor and a council and it acquired such political and military importance that Pope Alexander IV° transferred the ancient bishopric from Forcona to L’Aquila, building the church of S. Massimo and S. George. In that period, the struggle between the Papacy and the new Hohenstaufen king, Manfred, was already in progress and the city paid dearly for having sided with the Church: in fact, after having re-conquered the southern portion of his Kingdom, in 1259 Manfred besieged and destroyed L’Aquila, which was then abandoned for 7 years until 1266. This was the year in which Charles I° of Anjou, having taken possession, of the kingdom of Sicily, called for the reconstruction of the town; in 1272, due to the efforts of Captain Lucchesino, work on the city walls was commencedand the city was divided into 4 quarters. In this period the Basilica of S. Maria di Collemaggio was built and Popo Peter of Morrone was coronated there in 1294, taking de name of Celestine V°, in the presence of Charles II° of Anjou. When the House of Aragon tried to sieze the throne of Naples from the House of Anjou, the City loyal to Joan II° of Anjou, was once again besieged, a situation which lasted for 13 months. The siege was the work of Andrea Braccio Fortebraccio, Count of Montone, under the orders of Alfonso of Aragon. The City resisted and when the Aragons were finally defeated, Joan II° to thank L’Aquila for its loyalty, conceded a series of priviliges destined to augment the town’s economic and social development. Very quickly, L’Aquila became the second most important city in the kingdom of Naples and prospered by commercial and cultural excanges with the most influential cities in Italy and abroad. In the 15° century L’Aquila was permitted to mint coins, the University was established and printing house was opened in 1482 by A. for Rothwill, a pupil of Gutemberg. The City’s spirit of independence wass finlly crushed during successive struggles between the French and the Spanish for the throne of Naples. The Spanish Charles V° ordered Philip of Orange to besiege and destroy L’Aquila to punish her for having favoured Francis II°; thus, in 1532, the Castle was erected by Don Pedro of Toledo " ad reprimendam audaciam Aquilanorum". In 1647 the City rebelled agaist the Spaniards and consequently was punished with strict economic and social sanctions. In 1703 a disastrous earthquake shattered the entire city. L’Aquila actively participated in the revolutionary movements for United Italy and in 1860 became the Capital of the Region.




Transportation to L'Aquila

L'Aquila is located 100Km east of Rome in the Appenine Mountain , just below the Gran Sasso peak (2914m). The nearest airport is Rome-Fiumicino. By public transportation from there you may take the train up to the Tiburtina Station (40 min) where you may board the bus to L'Aquila  (90 min, ticket 9 Euro). The company running the bus is ARPA and you should buy your ticket before boarding the bus at the agency ARPA located in front of the exit of Tiburtina Station. (New Bus Station)




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The fountain of the 99 spouts
This is one of the oldest monuments and almost a symbol of the city. Its originality is observed not only in its trapezoid shape and in the stone masques, but also in the fact that the source of the water is unknown. It was built in 1272 by Tancredi of Pentina, having been commissioned by Captain Lucchesino, the Tuscan Governor



Basilica of Saint Mary in Collemaggio
An important example of Romanesque-Gothic architecture, it was commenced in 1287 under Peter of Morrone, the future Celestino V, who wished to be coronated Pope there in 1294 (his remains are kept in the mausoleum to the right of the main altar).


P. Fonticulano (autore), G. Lauro (incisore), Città dell'Aquila, (1600)
- (cm x cm) 38 x 51. Incisione. L'Aquila, Biblioteca Provinciale.




                              The Spanish Castle
                                             This magnificent fortress was built during the Spanish domination (16th century) at the request                                                 the Emperor Charles V. Used in past as a military arsenal and also as a prison, it now cointains                                                  of   National Museum of Abruzzi. In one of the bastions, there is a rare example of a one                                                the year old  elephans meridionalis
found near the city in 1954








Università degli Studi di L'Aquila



Comune di L'Aquila


Parco nazionale Gran Sasso e monti della Laga


Parco Naturale Regionale Sirente-Velino


Regione Abruzzo per il Giubileo




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