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cubecolourdialog functions

This is the description of standalone Python functions in the cubecolourdialog module.

method_summary Functions Summary

AngleFromPoint Returns the angle between the x-axis and the line connecting the center and the point pt.
Distance Returns the distance between 2 points.
DrawCheckerBoard Draws a checkerboard on a wx.DC.
FindC Internal function.
Intersection Calculates the intersection point between 2 lines.
PointOnLine Internal function.
PtFromAngle Given the angle with respect to the x-axis, returns the point based on the saturation value.
RestoreOldDC Restores the old settings for a wx.DC.
Slope Calculates the slope of the line connecting 2 points.
deg2rad Transforms degrees into radians.
rad2deg Transforms radians into degrees.
rgb2html Transforms a RGB triplet into an html hex string.
scaletomax Normalize a value as a function of the radius.
toscale Normalize a value as a function of the radius.

API Functions API

AngleFromPoint(pt, center)[source]

Returns the angle between the x-axis and the line connecting the center and the point pt.

  • pt – an instance of wx.Point;
  • center – a float value representing the center.

Distance(pt1, pt2)[source]

Returns the distance between 2 points.


DrawCheckerBoard(dc, rect, checkColour, box=5)[source]

Draws a checkerboard on a wx.DC.

  • dc – an instance of wx.DC;

  • rect – the client rectangle on which to draw the checkerboard;
  • checkColour – the colour used for the dark checkerboards;
  • box – the checkerboards box sizes.


Used for the Alpha channel control and the colour panels.


Internal function.

Intersection(line1, line2)[source]

Calculates the intersection point between 2 lines.


PointOnLine(pt1, pt2, length, maxLen)[source]

Internal function.

PtFromAngle(angle, sat, center)[source]

Given the angle with respect to the x-axis, returns the point based on the saturation value.

  • angle – a float representing an angle;
  • sat – a float representing the colour saturation value;
  • center – a float value representing the center.

RestoreOldDC(dc, oldPen, oldBrush, oldMode)[source]

Restores the old settings for a wx.DC.

  • dc – an instance of wx.DC;

  • oldPen – an instance of wx.Pen;
  • oldBrush – an instance of wx.Brush;
  • oldMode – the wx.DC drawing mode bit.

Slope(pt1, pt2)[source]

Calculates the slope of the line connecting 2 points.



Transforms degrees into radians.

Parameters:x – a float representing an angle in degrees.


Transforms radians into degrees.

Parameters:x – a float representing an angle in radians.


Transforms a RGB triplet into an html hex string.

Parameters:colour – a tuple of red, green, blue integers.


Normalize a value as a function of the radius.

Parameters:x – a float value to normalize


Normalize a value as a function of the radius.

Parameters:x – a float value to normalize

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SVN Revision 68362 For cubecolourdialog