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agw_title ribbon.art_msw

RibbonMSWArtProvider is responsible for drawing all the components of the ribbon interface using a Windows appearance.

description Description

This allows a ribbon bar to have a pluggable look-and-feel, while retaining the same underlying behaviour. As a single art provider is used for all ribbon components, a ribbon bar usually has a consistent (though unique) appearance.

By default, a RibbonBar uses an instance of a class called RibbonDefaultArtProvider, which resolves to RibbonAUIArtProvider, RibbonMSWArtProvider, or RibbonOSXArtProvider - whichever is most appropriate to the current platform. These art providers are all slightly configurable with regard to colours and fonts, but for larger modifications, you can derive from one of these classes, or write a completely new art provider class.

Call SetArtProvider to change the art provider being used.

hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for module: ribbon.art_msw

Inheritance diagram of ribbon.art_msw.RibbonMSWArtProvider

svn_main SVN Revisions

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Revision Graph For art_msw

2to3 Python 3 Issues (via 2to3)

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