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agw_title XLSBackground

This is a class which holds information about the cell background, in terms of background colour and background pattern (hatching).

hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for: XLSBackground

Inheritance diagram of XLSBackground

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__Default class constructor.
CombineAttrCombines the input attribute attr with the features of the XLSBackground class.
CreateBackgroundColourCreates a suitable wxPython colour for the cell background starting from
DrawActually draws the cell background and pattern hatching on a grid cell.


class XLSBackground(object)[source]

This is a class which holds information about the cell background, in terms of background colour and background pattern (hatching).

__init__(book, xf_index)[source]

Default class constructor.

  • book – an instance of the xlrd.Book class;
  • xf_index – an index into xlrd.Book.xf_list, which holds a reference to the xlrd.sheet.Cell class (the actual cell for xlrd).


Combines the input attribute attr with the features of the XLSBackground class.

Parameters:attr – an instance of wx.grid.GridCellAttr.

CreateBackgroundColour(background_colour, pattern_colour, fill_pattern)[source]

Creates a suitable wxPython colour for the cell background starting from a xlrd tuple representing this colour.

  • background_colour – a tuple representing the RGB components of the cell background colour. If background_colour is None, use the default wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOW;
  • pattern_colour – a tuple representing the RGB components of the cell pattern colour;
  • fill_pattern – the pattern to use to draw hatches on top of the background.

Draw(dc, rect)[source]

Actually draws the cell background and pattern hatching on a grid cell.

  • dc – an instance of wx.DC;
  • rect – an instance of wx.Rect, representing the cell rectangle.

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