Dott. Ing. Gianluca Massaccesi - Scientific and Technological Consulting
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Project Management
Software Development
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Finite Element Modeling
Static Linear Structural
Linear Thermal
Thermal and Structural
Dynamic Thermofluid
Structural Fatigue
Injection Mold
Non Linear Structural
Non Linear Thermal
Multi Physical System

Engineers have always relied on mathematical tools to calculate and verify the dimensions of their work.

In mathematical terms, each physical phenomenon is governed by differential equations. Even though science has fixed the effective form of such equations from the preindustrial times, these equations are seldom resolvable in a closed form and very few analytical solutions exist today, limited to cases whiche are geometrically simple.

fem of a fan wheelThe consequence of such limits is the adoption of specific semiempirical design rules, validated for each application sector based on the experience matured during years of trials. Therefore the classical approach is to use semplified mathematical formulas to face even the most complicated cases from an engineering point of view. Although this method is still valid and reliable it has it's limits. In order to compensate the generality of the hypothesis which is at the base of the design rules and the peculiarity of the structure to be verified, one proceeds in a conservative way for security, knowing that final tests which are costly and time-consuming must be faced.

The availability of always higher performance computers has pushed mathematicians and software engineers to develop and render usable the numerical analysis methods capable of resolving the complex forms of differential equations. The Finite Element method, one of the most versatile and diffused methods, discreting the continuous in a large number but finite of geometrically simple elements, allows for the derivation of equations suited to be solved by computer; the calculation of the largeness involved in the examined physical phenomenon is therefore possible virtually without limits to the geometric complexity of the field.

Today the new technologies of modelling to threedimentional CAD together with the reliability of the finite element codes, offer the possibility to virtually model a component or a system and to forsee the producibility and real behaviour when working under static, dynamic, thermic or fluid dynamic stress.