Proverbi gallesi






Henaint ni ddaw ei hunan.

Old age comes not on its own.


Nerth hen, ei gyngor parad.

The strength of the old is their ready counsel.


Unwaith yn ddyn, dwywiaith yn blentyn.

One time a man, two times a child.

Hen y teimllir ergyndion a gaed yn ifanc.

Old feel the blows suffered when young.


Am gwymp hen y chwardd ieuanc.

The young laugh when the old fall.


Bai ar wrach dorri ei chlun.

Breaking her hip is the old woman's fault.


Bum gall unwaith-hynny oedd, llefain pan ym ganed.

I was wise once, when I was born I cried.


Ni edrych angau pwy decaf ei dalcen.

Death considers not the fairest forehead


Tri chysir henaint: tan, te a tybaco.

Three comforts of old age: fire, tea and tobacco.


Llaeth i blentyn, cig i wr, cwrw i hen.

Milk for a child, meat for a man, beer for the old.





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