Love 'em and leave 'em


Il film
Produzione: Famous Players - Lasky
Distribuzione: Paramount Pictures (6 dicembre 1926; © 3 Dicembre 1926; LP23404)
Presentazione: Adolph Zukor; Jesse L. Lasky
Produttori associati: William Le Baron
Regista: Frank Tuttle
Sceneggiatura e adattamento: Townsend Martin
Fonte: John Van Altayno Weaver e George Abbott, Love 'em and leave 'em, New York, 1926, commedia in
          tre atti
Fotografia: George Webber
Riprese: girato nel Settembre 1926
Cinema: Cinema statunitensi ; cinema inglesi (Londra e dintorni)
Probabile prima mondiale: Paramount, NEW YORK, 4 Dicembre 1926
Note tecniche: Muto; b\n; 35 mm; 6 bobine (62'); ?ft
Ulteriori versioni: A. Edward Sutherland, The saturday night kid (USA, 1929 - Paramount Famous Players
          Lasky Corp., 62') con Clara Bow, James Hall e Jean Arthur. La parte di Louise è ricoperta da Jean
          Arthur. Incredibilmente Clara Bow interpreta la sorella virtuosa, il che, come rileva William K. Everson,
          rende poco credibile la sbandata di James Hall per la Arthur. Lo stesso Everson, sospirando, si chiede
          quale rovello avrebbe invece scatenato la sorellanza Bow - Brooks. Con gli stessi rimpianti cinefili mi
          chiedo che grande commedia sarebbe stata se tra la virtuosa Clara e la pestifera Louise si fosse trovato
          un impacciato, giovanissimo Cary Grant. Da segnalare in un piccolo ruolo, nel film del 1929, Jean
Musica: partitura conservata al Department of Film della George Eastman House di Rochester
Titoli internazionali ed alternativi: cfr. curiosità II
Il cast
Evelyn Brent (Mame Walsh)
Lawrence Gray (Bill Billingsley)
Louise Brooks (Janie Walsh)
Osgood Perkins (Lem Woodruff)
Jack Egan (Cartwright)
Marcia Harris (Miss Streeter)
Edward Garvey (Mr. Whinfer)
Vera Sisson (Mrs. Whinfer)
Joseph McClunn (August Whinfer)
Arthur Donaldson (Mr. McGonigle)
Elise Cabanna (Miss Gimple)
Dorothy Mathews (Minnie)
Reperibilità: Facets ; Sunrise Silents

Trama e note

Le sorelle Mame e Janie vivono insieme in una modesta pensione: Mame, la maggiore, ha giurato di prendersi cura della scatenata Janie - Louise che, nella prima scena, vediamo poltrire a letto dopo una notte di baldoria. Le ragazze sono impiegate come commesse presso i magazzini Ginsburg; la prima è fidanzata con Bill, un allestitore di vetrine sempliciotto che lei aiuta nella carriera con le sue intuizioni, la seconda attira le attenzioni del gestore. Quando Mame parte per le vacanze, Janie seduce Bill: i due vengono infine scoperti dalla sorella che sentenzia amara sugli uomini: "Love 'em and leave 'em" (Amali e lasciali). Non solo: Janie, essendo in bolletta, decide di rifarsi al gioco e, dopo una soffiata del suo losco allibratore, Lem, decide di puntare parte dei soldi del fondo di previdenza degli impiegati di cui era stata nominata tesoriera! Janie vince la scommessa, ma il figuro si tiene i soldi della vincita dicendo che non era riuscito a scommettere in tempo. La ragazza è nei guai: Mrs Streeter vuole i soldi del fondo; Janie nasconde il denaro restante nella borsetta di Mame e dice di averli persi. Dopo una breve perquisizione Mrs Streeter appura la verità: Mame è la ladra! Mame, per amore verso la canaglietta minore, decide di accollarsi la colpa: se restituirà il denaro mancante entro la mattina Mrs Streeter, magnanima, non chiamerà la polizia. Janie è davvero dispiaciuta, infatti la vediamo poco dopo esibirsi in uno scatenato charleston nel ballo in maschera dei dipendenti dei grandi magazzini. Frattanto Mame, che ha scoperto la verità, organizza una piccola festicciola con Lem, lo circuisce e gli ruba il portafoglio, poi avverte per telefono Miss Streeter e Bill che sono al ballo: mentre parla con quest'ultimo viene aggredita da Lem. Bill parte in suo soccorso, ma Mame sa il fatto suo, sistema Lem e restituisce i soldi; per la sua colpa verrà comunque licenziata, ma ritroverà l'amore di Bill: Janie, apprendiamo, non è una ragazza per lui. L'ipercinetica fedifraga peraltro, dopo aver vinto il primo premio per il miglior costume al ballo, è stata vista allontanarsi in limousine con il proprietario del negozio...
Il film è una celebrazione della ragazza
flapper e della donna degli anni '20 in generale: sia essa virtuosa o amorale domina gli uomini fisicamente e moralmente. Infatti le figure maschili di Love'em sono risibili, dai pretendenti di Janie all'allibratore randellato da Mame per finire con Bill, sedotto e abbandonato dalla minore, ridicolizzato dalla maggiore (quando arriva in suo soccorso dal ballo in maschera, vestito da giullare, Mame, che ha risolto tutto, sentenzia: "Mettiti i pantaloni e non preoccuparti").
La critica esalta l'interpretazione di Louise che, intanto, si prepara all'esordio hollywoodiano.

Per saperne di più: Love 'em and leave 'em

Bibliografia Thomas Gladysz: Love 'em and leave 'em

Recensioni su Louise Brooks: americane (65) ; canadesi (2) ; inglesi (3) ;

Bibliografia italiana
Bibliografia europea
  1. [RC1] Anonimo, Love' em and leave 'em, "Kinematograph Weekly", March 24, 1927 -

  2. [RC2] Anonimo, Love' em and leave 'em, "The Bioscope", March 24, 1927 - INGHILTERRA

  3. Fimus, Love' em and leave 'em, "The Cinema World", August, 1927 - INGHILTERRA

  4. [RC3] C. A. L., The week on the screen, "Manchester Guardian", November 3, 1927 -

  5. * C. B. (Claude Beylie), Frank, Douglas, Orson et les autres, "Cahiers du Cinéma", nr. 319, Janvier
              1981 - FRANCIA

  6. Miriam, Film reviews: Love 'em and leave 'em, "Century Baby", 2001 - INGHILTERRA

Bibliografia internazionale
  1. * Norbert Lusk, Jolson-Griffith suit interests, "Los Angeles Times", September 19, 1926
  2. Anonimo, Young girl finds new path to fame and stardom in pictures, "Mansfield News", November
              10, 1926
  3. Anonimo, Stage-music-photoplay, "Detroit Saturday Night", November 27, 1926
  4. Anonimo, New pictures, "Exhibitor's Herald", November 27, 1926
  5. [RCA1] Anonimo, Love 'em and leave 'em is feature film at Knickerbocker all week, "Nashville
              Tennessean", November 28, 1926
  6. Harold Heffernan, The new movies in review, "Detroit News", November 29, 1926
  7. [RCA2] Ella H. McCormick, Reel players, "Detroit Free Press", November 29, 1926
  8. Charles J. Richardson, Fair comedy at Michigan, "Detroit Times", November 29, 1926
  9. Genevieve Harris, Whiteman's Band and a clever picture, "Chicago Evening Post", November 30,
  10. *[!][RCA3] Mae Tinee, Great little picture with fancy trimmings on view at Chicago, "Chicago
              Tribune", November 30, 1926
  11. Paramount pressbook, December 1926
  12. Bob Reel, Chicago bill the best ever, according to Rob, "Chicago Evening American", December 1,
  13. [RCA4] Arthur Sheekman, Whiteman's concert and pleasant film on bill at Chicago, "Chicago Daily
              Journal", December 1, 1926
  14. Anonimo, Galax theater has pleasing feature this week, "Birmingham News", December 3, 1926
  15. Better Films Committee of Birmingham, Better films, "Birmingham News", December 3, 1926
  16. Anonimo, At the theaters, "Providence Journal", December 5, 1926
  17. Mae Tinee, November's six best photoplays, "Chicago Tribune", December 5, 1926
  18. Anonimo, Empire theater, "Portland Evening Express", December 6, 1926
  19. Anonimo, Offerings at picture houses, "Buffalo Courier-Express", December 6, 1927
  20. A. S. Kary, Toto is supreme on new program at Keith theater, "Dayton Journal", December 6, 1926
  21. [RCA5] "Herb" Cruikshank, Impressions of new pictures, "Morning Telegraph", December 6, 1926
  22. [RCA6] Dorothy Herzog, Comedy drama film, "Daily Mirror", December 6, 1926
  23. [RCA7] Rose Pelswick, New pictures on Broadway, "New York Evening Journal", December 6, 1926
  24. *[RCA8] Harriette Underhill, Love 'em and leave 'em leaves much to be desired, but Faust is perfect,
              "New York Herald Tribune", December 6, 1926
  25. Wilella Waldorf, New photoplays, "New York Post", December 6, 1926
  26. [RCA9] Katherine Zimmerman, Love 'em and leave 'em at the new Paramount, "New York
              Telegram", December 6, 1926
  27. Anonimo, "New York Graphic", December 8?, 1926
  28. *[RCA10] John S. Cohen Jr., Love 'em and leave 'em at the Paramount - Sweet Rosie O'Grady at
    , "New York Sun", December 8, 1926
  29. [RCA11] Eileen Creelman, Love 'em and leave 'em made into screen story, "New York American",
              December 8, 1926
  30. [RCA12] Martin Dickstein, The cinema circuit, "Brooklyn Daily Eagle", December 8, 1926
  31. *[RCA13] Fred., Love 'em and leave 'em, "Variety", December 8, 1926
  32. *[RCA14] Mordaunt Hall, The gambling shop girl, "New York Times", December 8, 1926
  33. Quinn Martin, The new film, "The World", December 8, 1926
  34. [RCA15] Roscoe McGowen, Store clerks' drama bundle of  keen lines, "Daily News", December 8,
  35. Clara Ruge, Theater und Musik, "New Yorker Volkszeitung", December 9, 1926
  36. * Anonimo, New York store is background for film plot, "Los Angeles Times", December 10, 1926
  37. Anonimo, Snappy comedy to be seen today at Metropolitan, "Los Angeles Daily Illustrated News",
              December 10, 1926
  38. [RCA16] Hal Barnes, For the Xmas film shopper theaters compete with bargains, "Los Angeles Daily
              Illustrated News", December 11, 1926
  39. *[RCA17] Marquis Busby, Virtue is its own reward, "Los Angeles Times", December 11, 1926. Il
              giorno successivo, rubrica Cinematic fare, l'articolo anonimo Love 'em and leave 'em opens
  40. [RCA18] Gregory Goss, Girls in Love 'em' film rout old traditions, "Los Angeles Examiner",
              December 11, 1926
  41. [RCA19] Guy Price, Riotous glee in picture at Metropolitan, Los Angeles Evening Herald, December
               11, 1926
  42. [RCA20] Hal Rorke, Love 'em and leave 'em opens at Metropolitan, "Los Angeles Daily Illustrated
              News", December 11, 1926
  43. [RCA21] P. S., Bright comedy at Met, "Los Angeles Record", December 11, 1926
  44. [RCA22] Anonimo, All is quiet at the movies this week, "Kansas City Star", December 12, 1926
  45. Anonimo, Love 'em and leave 'em, "Wichita Beacon", December 12, 1926
  46. [RCA23] Frances V. Feldkamp, Movie reviews, "St. Louis Globe-Democrat", December 12, 1926
  47. [RCA24] Anonimo, Motion picture reviews, "Kansas City Times", December 13, 1926
  48. [RCA25] Hake Herbert, Missouri, "St. Louis Times", December 13, 1926
  49. [RCA26] Nie., The week's new films, "St. Louis Post-Dispatch", December 13, 1926
  50. [RCA27] R. W. Jr., The weekly news reel, "New York Herald Tribune", December 13, 1927
  51. [RCA28] Anonimo, Paramount film at Met offers modern ideas, "Los Angeles Daily Illustrated
              News", December 14, 1926
  52. * Anonimo, Metropolitan opus reunites two good pals, "Los Angeles Times", December 14, 1926
  53. Anonimo, Madison, "Peoria Journal", December 14, 1926
  54. [RCA29] J. M. L., Colonial picture is above average, "Richmond Times-Dispatch", December 14, 1926
  55. Anonimo, In Love 'em and leave 'em it's the kid sister who steals Mame's beau,  "Appleton Post
              -Crescent", December 16, 1926
  56. [RCA30] Anonimo, Opinions on pictures, "Motion Picture News", December 18, 1926
  57. [RCA31] Anonimo, Love 'em and leave 'em, "Moving Picture World", December 18, 1926
  58. [RCA32] Roy Chartier, Film: Love 'em and leave 'em, "Billboard", December 18, 1926
  59. [RCA33] P. S. Harrison, Love 'em and leave 'em - with Evelyn Brent, Lawrence Gray and Louise
    , "Harrison's Reports, December 18, 1926
  60. Anonimo, Palace, "Bridgeport Post", December 19, 1926
  61. [RCA34] Anonimo, Love 'em and leave 'em, "Film Daily", December 19, 1926
  62. Anonimo, Love 'em and leave 'em is native play, "News and Observer", December 19, 1926
  63. [RCA35] Carl B. Adams, Photoplay reviews, "Cincinnati Enquirer", December 20, 1926
  64. [RCA36] Frank Aston, Love 'em and leave 'em, "Cincinnati Post", December 20, 1926. Gladysz lo
              scheda al 20 Febbraio 1926
  65. Anonimo, Rustic fun holds sway in new bill at Orpheum, "Daily Oklahoman", December 20, 1927
  66. Anonimo, Capitol, "Hartford Daily Courant", December 20, 1926
  67. [RCA37] Anonimo, The new pictures, "Indianapolis Star", December 20, 1926
  68. Walter D. Hickman, Evelyn didn't find it so easy to love 'em and leave after she had loved,
             "Indianapolis Times", Decembre 20, 1926. Gladysz lo scheda al 31 Ottobre 1927
  69. Anonimo, When the cat's awat - then the mice will play, "Wheeling Register", December 20, 1926
  70. [RCA38] Marc K. Bowman, Stage play wins on screen, "Portland Oregonian", December 21, 1926
  71. Anonimo, Love formulae discussed in Howard comedy, "Atlanta Constitution", December 26, 1926
  72. Anonimo, Love 'em and leave 'em new Kinema film, "Fresno Bee", December 26, 1926
  73. Anonimo, Two Wichita girls star in Miller films; Kansas has detective dog tale, "Wichita Eagle",
              December 26, 1926
  74. Anonimo, Theaters, "Duluth Herald", December 27, 1926
  75. Anonimo, Theaters, "Duluth News Tribune", December 27, 1926
  76. AnonimoComedy drama on Capitol bill, "Sacramento Union", December 27, 1926
  77. Anonimo, Comedy at Karlton, "Philadelphia Inquirer", December 28, 1926
  78. Anonimo, Photoplay attractions, "Philadelphia Public Ledger", December 28, 1926
  79. W. T. C., Loew's Palace, "Memphis Commercial Appeal", December 28, 1926
  80. Anonimo, Movieland notes, "News-Sentinel", December 29, 1926
  81. Anonimo, National offers good comedy, "San Jose Evening News", December 29, 1926
  82. [RCA39] Josephine Hughston, National offers Love 'em and leave 'em, "San Jose Mercury Herald",
              December 30, 1926
  83. Anonimo, On stage and screen, "Utica Daily News", December 30, 1926
  84. Anonimo, At the theaters, "Cedar Rapids Republican", December 30, 1926
  85. Anonimo, National offers comedy film, "San Jose Evening News", December 31, 1926
  86. [RCA40] Anonimo, It's been a lean year in movies, say critics, "Reno Gazette", January 1, 1927
  87. [RCA41] Anonimo, Pictures playing Atlanta this week, "Weekly Film Review", January 1, 1927
  88. [RCA42] Anonimo, Louise Brooks is Boston star, "Boston Daily Advertiser", January 2, 1927
  89. [RCA43] Leona Pollack, The new movies, "Omaha World Herald", January 2, 1927
  90. [RCA44] Anonimo,  Love 'em and leave 'em at Keith's Boston, "Boston Herald", January 4, 1927
  91. [RCA45] Anonimo, Love 'em and leave 'em new film comedy of Gotham life, "Boston Daily
              Advertiser", January 3, 1927
  92. [RCA46] Anonimo, Love 'em at the Boston, "Boston Post", January 3, 1927
  93. N. H. B., Keith-Albee Palace, "Ohio State Journal", January 3, 1927
  94. L. E., Clever team and toto, "Columbus Dispatch", January 3, 1927
  95. L. D. J., At the Capitol, "Des Moines Register", January 3, 1927
  96. John McNulty, Good film on Palace bill, "Columbus Citizen", January 3, 1927
  97. [RCA47] Anonimo, Love 'em and leave 'em at Keith's Boston, "Boston Herald", January 4, 1927
  98. [RCA48] D. W. B., Films of the week, "Boston Evening Transcript", January 5, 1927
  99. [RCA49] Anonimo, Love and leave 'em is appealing picture, "Lansing State Journal", January 7, 1927
  100. Anonimo, Mice play havoc in Love 'em, Leave 'em, "Lansing Capital News", January 8, 1927
  101. [RCA50] Peggy Patton, Gunners for thrills offered sensation, "Wisconsin News", January 8, 1927
  102. Anonimo, Love 'em and leave 'em a good comedy, "Modesto News-Herald", January 9, 1927
  103. [RCA51] Gene Cohn, 1926 - lean year in the movies, "Daily News", January 10, 1927
  104. [RCA52] A. F. Gillaspey, Good comedy and novelty at Granada, "San Francisco Bulletin", January 10,
  105. [RCA53] H. L., (Lang, Harry), Love' Em is pleasing picture, "San Francisco Examiner", January 10,
  106. S. N. S., Gorillas, flappers at The Wisconsin, "Milwaukee Leader", January 10, 1927
  107. [RCA54] Curran D. Swint, Granada, California screens reflect hilarious comedies, "San Francisco
              News", January 10, 1927
  108. [RCA55] George C. Warren, Love' Em and Leave 'Em is Granada card, "San Francisco Chronicle",
              January 10, 1927
  109. [RCA56] Anonimo, Comedy offers laugh at Strand, Modesto, "Modesto News-Herald", January 11,
  110. Anonimo, Arcadia, "Wilmington News", January 11, 1927
  111. Anonimo, Laugh week bills offered on screen in local theaters, "Marion Daily Chronicle", January 15,
  112. Anonimo, Love and leave 'em is film at Embassy, "Baltimore American", January 17, 1927
  113. Anonimo, Embassy has Love 'em leave 'em, "Baltimore News", January 17, 1927
  114. Anonimo, Amusements, "Binghamton Press", January 20, 1927
  115. AnonimoFilm features, "Baltimore Sun", January 18, 1927
  116. Anonimo, Amusements, "Binghamton Press", January 20, 1927
  117. M. E. R., Clever chinese troupe tops good bill at Keith's, "Grand Rapids Press", January 24, 1927
  118. "Photoplay", February 1927
  119. Anonimo, Frank Tuttle's Love 'em and leave 'em centre attraction, "The Citizen", February 5, 1927 -
  120. Anonimo, Famous laugh hit screened at American, "Oakland Post-Enquirer", February 5, 1927
  121. [RCC1] Anonimo, The new films, "The Citizen", February 7, 1927
  122. Wood Soanes, American screen offers Love 'em and leave 'em, "Oakland Tribune", February 7, 1927
  123. Anonimo, Love 'em and leave 'em comes to Regent screen, "San Mateo Times", February 11, 1927
  124. James Frederick Smith, From the Follies to the film, "Liberty", February 12, 1927
  125. Anonimo, Love 'em and leave 'em at Strand, "Chillicothe Constitution", February 19, 1927
  126. [RCA57] A. V. M., Cabrillo film is sparkling, "San Diego Sun", February 23, 1927
  127. Anonimo, Love 'em and leave 'em - romantic comedy, "Motion Picture", March, 1927
  128. Anonimo, Granada has comedy drama stage hit as film feature, "Santa Barbara Daily News", March
              12, 1927
  129. [RCA58] Anonimo, She loves 'em an' leaves 'em, "Santa Barbara Morning Press", March 13, 1927
  130. [RCA59] Anonimo, Attractions at the theaters, "Santa Barbara Daily News", March 14, 1927
  131. [RCA60] Anonimo, Theaters: what the press agents say, "Santa Barbara Morning Press", March 14,
  132. Anonimo, Love 'em movie is comedy showing at Quimby Theater, "Zanesville Signal", March 14,
  133. [RCA61] Anonimo, Theaters: what the press agents say, "Santa Barbara Morning Press", March 15,
  134. Anonimo, Love 'em and leave 'em combines comedy and drama, "Bee", March 17, 1927
  135. [RCA62] Anonimo, Screen and stage attractions here, "Daily News", March 19, 1927
  136. Elodie, At the theaters, "Daily Californian", March 21, 1927
  137. Anonimo, At the theaters, "Frederick Post", March 25, 1927
  138. [RCC2] Anonimo, In movieland, "Manitoba Free Press", March 28, 1927
  139. Anonimo, Love 'em and leave 'em a native play, "Helena Independent", April 3, 1927
  140. Anonimo, Louise Brooks in Love 'em and leave 'em, "Indiana Evening Gazette", April 14 1927
  141. *[!][RCA63] Anonimo, Offerings at the theaters. Earle, "Washington Post", May 9, 1927
  142. Anonimo, Screen offerings, "Post-Standard", May 22, 1927
  143. Anonimo, New pictures, "Post-Standard", May 23, 1927
  144. Anonimo, At the theaters, "Sheboygan Press", October 4, 1927
  145. [RCA64] Anonimo, Portland stars stunt flier in feature movie, "Portland Evening Express", February
              24, 1928
  146. [RCA65] Anonimo, Do you remember?, "Zanesville Signal", March 14, 1947
  147. * John Douglas Eames, Love 'em and leave 'em, in Id., The Paramount story, Octopus Books, 1985
  148. Kevin Thomas, Love 'em, leave 'em at silent movie, Los Angeles Times, July 3, 1991

Index ] Pagina superiore ] Louise Brooks, A girl in every port ] Louise Brooks, It's the old Army game ] Louise Brooks, It pays to advertise ] Louise Brooks, documentari ] Louise Brooks, Evening clothes ] Louise Brooks, King of gamblers ] Louise Brooks, God's gift to women ] [ Louise Brooks, Love 'em and leave 'em ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora I ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora II ] Louise Brooks, Overland stager raiders ] Louise Brooks, The show off ] Louise Brooks, A social celebrity ] Louise Brooks, The street of forgotten men ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen I ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen II ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen III ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen IV ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen V ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen VI ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen VII ] Louise Brooks, The American Venus ] Louise Brooks, Windy Riley goes Hollywood ] Louise Brooks, Prix de beauté ] Louise Brooks, Rolled stockings ] Louise Brooks, Empty saddles ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora III ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora IV ] Louise Brooks, When you're in love ] Louise Brooks, The Canary murder case ] Louise Brooks, Now we're in the air ] Louise Brooks, Just another blonde ] Louise Brooks, Beggars of life ] Louise Brooks, The city gone wild ]

sabato 23 settembre 2006 08.13.04