Rolled stockings


Il film
Produzione: Paramount Famous Lasky Corp.
Distribuzione: Paramount Famous Lasky Corp. (18 Giugno 1927; © 18 Giugno 1927; LP24103)
Presentazione: Adolph Zukor; Jesse L. Lasky
Produttore associato: B. P. Schulberg
Regista: Richard Rosson
Sceneggiatura: Percy Heath
Fonte: un soggetto originale di Frederica Sagor
Titoli: Julian Johnson
Fotografia: Victor Milner
Montaggio: Julian Johnson
Riprese: girato tra il 4 Aprile e il 5 Maggio 1927
Cinema: Cinema statunitensi; cinema belgi (Bruxelles)
Prima mondiale: Metropolitan, LOS ANGELES, 19 Giugno 1927
Note tecniche: Muto; b\n; 35 mm; 7 bobine (65'); 6,249 ft.
Musica: partitura conservata al Department of Film della George Eastman House di Rochester
Titoli internazionali ed alternativi: cfr. curiosità II
Il cast
James Hall (Jim Treadway)
Louise Brooks (Carol Fleming)
Richard Arlen (Ralph Treadway)
Nancy Phillips (The Vamp)
El Brendel (Rudolph)
David Torrence (Mr. Treadway)
Chance Ward (Coach)
Reperibilità: il film è considerato perduto

Trama e note

Come in Just another blonde abbiamo una coppiola di ragazzi, questa volta fratelli: Jim, il maggiore, è un tipo posato, studente agli ultimi anni di college, mentre il minore, Ralph, è una matricola insofferente alle regole. Tuttavia solo il secondo decide di rinnovare i fasti familiari iscrivendosi alla squadra di canottaggio universitaria. Entrambi si innamorano di Carol, la quale, dopo alcune esitazioni, finisce per scegliere Jim. Roso dalla gelosia, Ralph, agganciata una biondazza, si reca, presumibilmente per spassarsela, in un equivoco localino, proprio alla vigilia dell'importante gara di canottaggio. Il padre di Ralph e l'allenatore sono sulle sue tracce: può nascerne uno scandalo che potrebbe costargli l'espulsione. Jim non pone tempo in mezzo: raggiunge il fratello e, dopo una salutare scazzottata, lo riduce a più miti ragioni; ma come giustificare la gazzarra ai sopravvenienti pater familias e trainer? Estremo sacrificio: Jim si addossa ogni colpa. Nella gara dell'indomani Ralph porta alla vittoria l'armo universitario e poi confessa tutto: le cose si predispongono ad un felice accouchement.
Pellicola, si presume, esilissima,
Rolled stockings  fu l'occasione per mettere insieme tutti gli
enfants prodige
della commedia flapper, ma il risultato, pare, non fu dei migliori.
Dei promettenti giovani attori della Paramount solo Louise e Richard Arlen (che torneranno insieme in
Beggars of life) avranno una carriera di rilievo.
Nell'intervista tripartita di John Kobal a Louise Brooks (cfr. interviste), lo stesso Kobal ammette di aver visto il film: nel 1965 quindi tale pellicola era superstite.
Per saperne di più: Rolled stockings
Bibliografia Thomas Gladysz: Rolled stockings
Recensioni su Louise Brooks: americane (57) ; canadesi (1) ; inglesi (2)
Scene sopravvissute: Rolled stockings
Bibliografia italiana
Bibliografia europea
  1. Anonimo, Rolled stockings, "The Bioscope", September 8, 1927 - INGHILTERRA
  2. [RCI1] Anonimo, Rolled stockings, "Kinematograph Weekly", September 8, 1927 - INGHILTERRA
  3. Anonimo, Rolled stockings, "The Cinema World", March, 1928 - INGHILTERRA
  4. [RCI2] C. A. L., The week on the screen, "Manchester Guardian", March 10, 1928 - INGHILTERRA
Bibliografia internazionale
  1. Anonimo, "Philadelphia Evening Ledger", ? 1927
  2. * Grace Kingsley, Monta Bell writes story, "Los Angeles Times", March 12, 1927
  3. Anonimo, Rolled stockings unit in Berkeley, "Hollywood Daily Citizen", April 7, 1927
  4. Anonimo, Film players to appear in U.C. East Bay boat races, "San Francisco Chronicle", April 8, 1927
  5. * Grace Kingsley, Paramount has pink thought, "Los Angeles Times", April 13, 1927
  6. Anonimo, Paramount unit home from north, "Hollywood Daily Citizen", April 29, 1927
  7. Anonimo, New pictures, "Exhibitor's Herald", April 30, 1927
  8. Anonimo, Actor gets out of class and loses contest, "Los Angeles Times", May 22, 1927
  9. * Anonimo, Here's hotel that turns away guests, "Los Angeles Times", May 22, 1927
  10. Anonimo, Rolled stockings opens today at Met Theater, "Los Angeles Daily Illustrated News", June 16, 1927
  11. Paramount pressbook, June 1927
  12. *[RCA1] O. E. Wade Werner, Movie sidelights. Camera no fool, "Washington Post", June 12, 1927
  13. [RCA2] Josephine Hughston, New bill at the American pleases theatre patrons, "San Jose Mercury Herald", June 16, 1927
  14. * [RCA3] Alma Whitaker, Co-ed has her day on screen, "Los Angeles Times", June 17, 1927. Nello stesso numero foto di Hall e
              Brooks dal titolo Yes, we are collegiate!
  15. [RCA4] Anonimo, Stockings film story collegiate, "Los Angeles Evening Herald", June 17, 1927
  16. [RCA5] Anonimo, Paramount juniors are prominent in Metropolitan film, "Los Angeles Daily Illustrated News", June 18, 1927
  17. [RCA6] Anonimo, College fun features new film at Met[ropolitan], "Los Angeles Examiner", June 17, 1927
  18. [RCA7] Eleanor Barnes, Rolled stockings unfolds great comedy drama, "Los Angeles Daily Illustrated News", June 17, 1927
  19. Anonimo, Rolled stockings picture of youth, on Howard screen, "Atlanta Constitution", June 19, 1927
  20. [RCA8] Anonimo, Granada bills comedy film, "Santa Barbara Morning Press", June 19, 1927
  21. Anonimo, Cincinnati theaters and parks, "Cincinnati Enquirer", June 20, 1927
  22. *[RCA9] Rush., Rolled stockings, "Variety", July o June 20, 1927
  23. * Anonimo, New climax is introduced in Metropolitan film, "Los Angeles Daily Illustrated News", June 21, 1927
  24. [RCA10] Anonimo, Rolled stockings, "Philadelphia Inquirer", June 21, 1927
  25. Elmo Hamby, Rolled stockings old theme well done at Howard, "Atlanta Constitution", June 21, 1927
  26. Anonimo, Arcadia, "Philadelphia Public Ledger", June 21, 1927
  27. Anonimo, Rolled stockings with Louise Brooks and the Paramount junior stars, "Wichita Beacon", June 24, 1927
  28. Anonimo, Junior stars in film at Lyric, "Richmond Times-Dispatch", June 26, 1927
  29. Anonimo, Movies, "Minneapolis Tribune", June 27, 1927
  30. Anonimo, At the theaters, "Providence Journal", June 27, 1927
  31. [RCA11] Frances V. Feldkamp, Movie reviews, "St. Louis Globe-Democrat", June 27, 1927
  32. [RCA12] K. T. K., Asbestos, "New Orleans Times-Picayune", June 27, 1927
  33. [RCA13] Nie., The week's new films, "St. Louis Post-Dispatch", June 27, 1927
  34. Carol Frink, Delightful film at the Oriental, "Chicago Herald and Examiner", June 27, 1927
  35. [RCA14] Agnes Taaffe, Movies, "Minneapolis Daily Star", June 27, 1927
  36. [RCA15] J. M. L., Rolled stockings amusing picture, "Richmond Times-Dispatch", June 28, 1927
  37. [RCA16] Anonimo, Strand picture is a corking one, "New Orleans Item", June 29, 1927
  38. Bob Reel, Arlen and Hall life-like in brother roles, "Chicago Evening American", June 29, 1927
  39. [RCA17] Arthur Sheekman, Rolled stockings is amusing trifle, very collegiate, "Chicago Daily Journal", June 29, 1927
  40. *[!][RCA18] Mae Tinee, Title flaunts suggestion but means nothing, "Chicago Tribune", June 29, 1927
  41. Anonimo, Rolled stockings, "National Board of Review Magazine", July, 1927
  42. [RCA19] Anonimo, Rolled stockings gives picture of college life, "Portland Oregonian", July 1, 1927
  43. [RCA20] W. R. S., Views and reviews, "Film Mercury", July 1, 1927
  44. Anonimo, Paramount finishes first youth picture, "Exhibitor's Herald", July 2, 1927
  45. [RCA21] Mae Tinee, Month sets high level for films, "Chicago Tribune", July 3, 1927
  46. [RCA22] Harold Heffernan, The new movies in review, "Detroit News", July 4, 1927
  47. Ella H. McCormick, Reel players, "Detroit Free Press", July 4, 1926
  48. [RCA23] Charles J. Richardson, Lopez plays at Michigan, "Detroit Times", July 4, 1927
  49. [RCA24] Marc K. Bowman, Louise Brooks shows acting ability in Rivoli feature, "Portland Oregonian", July 6, 1927
  50. T. O. Service, Service talks, "Exhibitor's Herald", July 9, 1927
  51. Anonimo, Amusements, "Bridgeport Telegram", July 11, 1927
  52. [RCA25] Anonimo, Rolled stockings chuck full of vim, vigor, pep and it, "Bee", July 11, 1927
  53. Anonimo, Youth picture pnds local run, "Calgary Daily Herald", July 13, 1927 - CANADA
  54. Anonimo, Jazz, girls, and thrills in Rolled stockings, "Appleton Post-Cresent", July 14, 1927
  55. [RCA26] Everhardt Armstrong, Brothers are rivals for flirt's fancy, "Seattle Post-Intelligencer", July 15, 1927
  56. Anonimo, Youth film has little of everything, "Seattle Post-Intelligencer", July 16, 1927
  57. Clara Ruge, Musik, Kunst und Film, "New Yorker Volkszeitung", July 17, 1927
  58. Anonimo, Rolled hose are vogue in youth film, "Seattle Post-Intelligencer", July 17, 1927
  59. Anonimo, Rolled stockings is college thrill, "Seattle Times", July 17, 1927
  60. Anonimo, Paramount junior stars in Rolled stockings, "Appleton Post-Crescent", July 18, 1927
  61. [RCA27] Anonimo, Comedy film to be shown at Kensington, "Buffalo Evening News", July 18, 1927
  62. [RCA28] Anonimo, Screen in review, "Morning Telegraph", July 18, 1927
  63. [RCA29] Anonimo, Children's revue heads bill at new California, "San Diego Union", July 18, 1927
  64. [RCA30] A. S., The new film, "The World", July 18, 1927
  65. [RCA31] Irene Thirer, Both college caper films, Rolled stockings draws better than poor nut, "Daily News", July 18, 1927
  66. Anonimo, Hero skids in Coliseum film's climax, "Seattle Post-Intelligencer", July 18, 1927
  67. Donald Thompson, College life and crama come to screen, "New York Telegram", July 18, 1927
  68. Wilella Waldorf, New photoplays, "New York Post", July 18, 1927
  69. Anonimo, "New York Graphic", July 19?, 1927
  70. [RCA32] Regina Cannon, Rolled stockings on screen, "New York American", July 19, 1927
  71. John S. Cohen Jr., The new photoplays, "New York Sun", July 19, 1927
  72. *[RCA33] Mordaunt Hall, Campus capers, "New York Times", July 19, 1927
  73. [RCA34] Rose Pelswick, New pictures on Broadway, "New York Evening Journal", July 19, 1927
  74. [RCA35] R. S., Paramount, "Wall Street Journal", July 19, 1927
  75. [RCA36] Harriette Underhill, On the screen, "New York Herald Tribune", July 19, 1927
  76. [RCA37] James M. Elliott, Rolled stockings average, "Daily Mirror", July 20, 1927
  77. Anonimo, Musical comedy, drama and motion pictures, "Musical Courier", July 21, 1927
  78. [RCA38] Anonimo, Rolled stockings, "Film Daily", July 24, 1927
  79. Anonimo, At Loew's theatre, "Montreal Gazette", July 24, 1927 - CANADA
  80. [RCA39] Anonimo, Newman - Rolled stockings, "Kansas City Star", July 24, 1927
  81. * Anonimo, Coming attractions, "Washington Post", July 24, 1927
  82. Anonimo, Pictures playing Atlanta this week, "Weekly Film Review", June 25, 1927
  83. Anonimo, Motion picture reviews, "Kansas City Times", July 25, 1927
  84. [RCA40] Anonimo, Opinions on pictures, "Motion Picture News", July 29, 1927
  85. [RCA41] Anonimo, Film: Rolled stockings, "Billboard", July 30, 1927
  86. [RCA42] Anonimo, Rolled stockings, "Moving Picture World", July 30, 1927
  87. [RCA43] O. C., The current cinema, "New Yorker", July 30, 1927
  88. [RCA44] Anonimo, Toto headlines new proctor bill, "Newark Star-Eagle", July 30, 1927
  89. [RCA45] P. S. Harrison, Rolled stockings - with Louise Brooks, Richard Arlen and James Hall, "Harrison's Reports", July 30,
  90. Anonimo, At the Isis, "Topeka State Journal", July 30, 1927
  91. * Anonimo, Junior stars are featured at Metro, "Washinton Post", July 31, 1927
  92. Anonimo, Rolled stockings, "Screen Secrets", August 1927
  93. Anonimo, New pictures, "Time", August 1, 1927
  94. *[RCA46] Anonimo, Metropolitan, "Washington Post", August 1, 1927
  95. [RCA47] Anonimo, Rolled socks diverts in mild way, "Washington Times", August 1, 1927
  96. [RCA48] H. S., Rolled stockings at Metropolitan, "Washington Herald", August 1, 1927
  97. Anonimo, Rolled stockings a zippy, peppy picture, "Helena Independent", August 3, 1927
  98. [RCA49] D. W., Grand Lake has rollicking show, "Oakland Post-Enquirer", August 8, 1927
  99. [RCA50] Robert E. Sherwood, "Life", August 11, 1927
  100. Pare Lorentz, Judging the movies, "Judge", August 13, 1927
  101. [RCA51] Anonimo, Rolled stockings at Granada; two films held over, "San Francisco News", August 15, 1927
  102. Edith Bristol, New film stars roll their own now, "San Francisco Call and Post", August 15, 1927
  103. [RCA52] A. F. Gillaspey, Brothers fight to win co-ed, "San Francisco Bulletin", August 15, 1927
  104. [RCA53] Idwal Jones, Granada films allow choice, "San Francisco Examiner", August 15, 1927
  105. [RCA54] H. H. O., Stage and screen, "Ann Arbor Times News", August 15, 1927
  106. Welford Beaton, Rolled stockings is a poor picture, "Film Spectator", August 20, 1927
  107. Anonimo, At the theaters, "Waukesha Daily Freeman", August 24, 1927
  108. Anonimo, Noted singers at California with fun film, "Berkeley Daily Gazzette", August 27, 1927
  109. Anonimo, Moviegrams, "Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune", August 27, 1928
  110. [RCA55] Anonimo, At the theaters, "Daily Californian", August 29, 1927
  111. Anonimo, Rolled stockings, "Motion Picture", September, 1927
  112. [RCA56] Anonimo, Rolled stockings, "Photoplay", September 1927
  113. Anonimo, Rolled stockings is really good story, "Toronto Star", September 20, 1927 - CANADA
  114. [RCA57] Norbert Lusk, The screen in review: college capers, "Picture-Play", October, 1927
  115. Anonimo, Director Rosson loses Rolled stockings cast, "Flint Journal", October 1, 1927
  116. L. de L., Cronicas cinematograficas, "Excelsior", October 28, 1927 - MESSICO
  117. [RCC1] Anonimo, In movieland, "Manitoba Free Press", November 21, 1927
  118. Anonimo, At the theaters, "Sheboygan Press", May 31, 1928
  119. Medias enrolladas, "Carteles", September 2, 1928 - CUBA
  120. Anonimo, Round the bioscopes, "Cape Times", October 2, 1928 - SUD AFRICA
  121. * John Douglas Eames, Rolled stockings, in Id., The Paramount story, Octopus Books, 1985
  122. * Robert B. Connelly, Rolled stockings, in Id., The motion picture guide, X, Silent film 1910 - 1936, Cinebooks, 1986

Index ] Pagina superiore ] Louise Brooks, A girl in every port ] Louise Brooks, It's the old Army game ] Louise Brooks, It pays to advertise ] Louise Brooks, documentari ] Louise Brooks, Evening clothes ] Louise Brooks, King of gamblers ] Louise Brooks, God's gift to women ] Louise Brooks, Love 'em and leave 'em ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora I ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora II ] Louise Brooks, Overland stager raiders ] Louise Brooks, The show off ] Louise Brooks, A social celebrity ] Louise Brooks, The street of forgotten men ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen I ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen II ] Louise Brooks, Prix de beauté ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen III ] Louise Brooks, When you're in love ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen IV ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen V ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora I ] Louise Brooks, Overland stager raiders ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora II ] Louise Brooks, Love 'em and leave 'em ] Louise Brooks, Now we're in the air ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora III ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora IV ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen VI ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen VII ] Louise Brooks, The American Venus ] Louise Brooks, Windy Riley goes Hollywood ] Louise Brooks, Prix de beauté ] [ Louise Brooks, Rolled stockings ] Louise Brooks, Empty saddles ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora III ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora IV ] Louise Brooks, When you're in love ] Louise Brooks, The Canary murder case ] Louise Brooks, Now we're in the air ] Louise Brooks, Just another blonde ] Louise Brooks, Beggars of life ] Louise Brooks, The city gone wild ]