The Canary murder case


Il film
Produzione: Paramount Famous Players Lasky Corp.
Distribuzione: Paramount Famous Players Lasky Corp. (16 Febbraio 1929; © 15 Febbraio 1929; LP126);
          distribuzione tedesca: UFA - Paramount - Metro Verleih - Betriebe GmbH (Parafumet), Berlino
Regista: Malcolm St. Clair
Adattamento: Florence Ryerson e Albert S. Le Vino
Dialoghi: S. S. Van Dine
Fonte: S. S. Van Dine, The "Canary" murder case, New York, 1927
Fotografia: Harry Fischbeck
Edizione film: William Shea
Riprese: girato tra l'11 Settembre e il 12 Ottobre 1928
Cinema: Paramount, NY, settimana del 9 Marzo 1929; Rathaus Lichtspiele, MONACO DI
          BAVIERA, 9 Aprile 1930; Schauburg, BERLINO, 15 Agosto 1930; cinema inglesi (Londra e
          dintorni); cinema portoghesi
Note tecniche: Parlato; B\n; 35 mm.; 7 bobine (80'); 7,171 ft; suono Movietone. Versione sonora del 19
          Dicembre 1928. Esiste l'originale versione muta, 6,554 ft. Edizione tedesca: 7 bobine, 2202 m; Trailer
          (Vorspannfilm): 1 bobina, 67 m
Libretto di programma: Illustrierter Film Kurier, nr. 1314, 1930
Censura: GERMANIA (29 Novembre 1929, B. 24365, vietato ai minori; Trailer [Vorspannfilm]: 11 Dicembre
          1929, B. 24474, vietato ai minori)
Titoli internazionali ed alternativi: cfr. curiosità II
Il cast
William Powell (Philo Vance)
James Hall (Jimmy Spotswoode)
Louise Brooks (Margaret O' Dell)
Jean Arthur (Alys La Fosse)
Gustav von Seyffertitz (Dr. Ambrose Lindquist)
Charles Lane (Charles Spotswoode)
Eugene Pallette (Ernest Heath)
Lawrence Grant (Charles Cleaver)
Ned Sparks (Tony Skeel)
Louis John Bartels (Louis Mannix)
E. H. Calvert (Markham)
George Y. Harvey
Oscar Smith
Tim Adair
Reperibilità: Sunrise silents

Trama e note

Margaret O' Dell, una stella di Broadway, mangiatrice di uomini e mantenuta di lusso, per acquistare una rispettabilità sociale decide di sposare Jimmy Spotswoode, figlio di un ricco banchiere. Questi, già innamorato di Alys, rifiuta, ma viene ricattato da Margaret per certi affari poco chiari; non solo, ma la canarina pretende anche dei sontuosi doni di nozze dai suoi spasimanti: in caso contrario farà scottanti rivelazioni. Ad aggrovigliare l'intrigo interviene anche l'ex marito di Margaret che pretende la metà della torta, ma i ricatti incrociati sono interrotti dalla morte della canarina.
I sospettati principali sono i tre vecchi amanti della donna e Jimmy Spotswood: entra in scena Philo Vance che, coi suoi soliti metodi anti - induttivi, stringe il cerchio intorno al vero assassino, ma ....
Tratto dall'omonimo romanzo giallo di S. S. Van Dine (Ed. it.
La canarina assassinata, Newton Compton, L.1.500), il film, come spesso avviene, viene segnato dalla presenza di Louise e dal costume inventato appositamente per lei dal figurinista Travis Banton: 

"[Banton] disegnò un costume snello e morbido, tutto fatto di piume, con due grandi ali di penne e due spalle luccicanti, più un cappellino aderente (anche questo di piume), due braccialetti intorno ad ogni polso e le scarpine d'argento. Un costume chiaro e latteo, bizzoso e patetico.

Gli occhi, gli occhi neri e inquietanti di Louise Brooks facevano il resto.
Le gambe dell'attrice uscivano dal lieve, breve pagliaccetto di piume come da un bagno di spuma."
Francesco Savio, Omaggio a Miss Europa, Cinema n. s., 1951
Per Louise, che era all'apice della popolarità negli Stati Uniti, fu l'inizio di una serie di attriti con la Paramount: il suo rifiuto di doppiare la versione sonora della pellicola la metterà in urto con la casa produttrice:
"Stavano preparando la versione sonora di The Canary murder case e avevano bisogno di me per rifare alcune scene. Quando dissi che non sarei andata mi mandarono un uomo con un contratto. Quando ripetei che non sarei andata mi offrirono tutto il denaro che volevo per risparmiare l'ingente spesa di rigirare le scene e doppiarmi con un'altra voce. Alla fine, quando finalmente si convinsero che nulla mi avrebbe mai persuasa a rifare le scene, firmai un permesso di noleggio (gratis) di tutti i miei film e poterono doppiare The Canary murder case con la voce di Margaret Livingston. Ma l'intera faccenda - i soldi che la Paramount dovette spendere e l'affronto alla produzione - li fece così arrabbiare che misero in giro una storia, ampiamente pubblicizzata e creduta vera, secondo cui mi avevano lasciata andare perché non sapevo recitare nei film sonori"
Per saperne di più: The Canary murder case
Bibliografia Thomas Gladysz: The Canary murder case
Recensioni su Louise Brooks: americane (51) ; canadesi (1) ; inglesi (2) ; francesi (1) ; spagnole (1) ;
          portoghesi (1)
Bibliografia italiana
*[!] Morando Morandini, La canarina assassinata, in Id., Dizionario dei film 2006, Zanichelli, 2005
Bibliografia europea
  1. "Filmiaitta", nr.8, 1929 - FINLANDIA
  2. [RCI1] Anonimo, The Canary murder case, "The Bioscope", January 16, 1929 - INGHILTERRA
  3. [RCI2] Anonimo, The Canary murder case, "Kinematograph Weekly", January 17, 1929 - INGHILTERRA
  4. Louise Brooks, "Picturegoer", March 1929 - INGHILTERRA
  5. * Jack Bonhomme, Nouvelles et potins d'Hollywood, "Cinémonde", 28 Mars 1929 - FRANCIA
  6. Anonimo, Pick of pictures, "Picturegoer", October 1929 - INGHILTERRA
  7. Anonimo, William Powell, detective, "Picturegoer", October 1929 - INGHILTERRA
  8. Anonimo, The Canary murder case, " Picture Show", October 12, 1929 - INGHILTERRA
  9. Anonimo, Was in den Filmen geschieht, "Die Filmwoche", 22 Januar 1930 - GERMANIA
  10. *[!!] Die Stimme aus dem Jenseits, "Illustrierter Film-Kurier", nr. 1314, 1930 - GERMANIA
  11. *[RCP1] Anonimo, O drama de uma noite, "O Seculo", 23 - 24 de Juhno de 1930 - PORTOGALLO
  12. A. L., Estreias, "Cinefilo", 28 de Juhno de 1930 - PORTOGALLO
  13. "Cinegrafia", 30 de Juhno de 1930 - PORTOGALLO
  14. "Kino i Zhizn", nr. 12, 1930 - UNIONE SOVIETICA
  15. *[RCF1][!] Mario Verdone - Jean-George Auriol, La valeur expressive du costume dans le style des films, "La Revue du
              Cinéma", nr. 19 - 20, Automne 1949 - FRANCIA
  16. *[RCS1] Carlos Fernandez Cuenca, in Id., Historia del cine, III, Afrodisio Aguado, 1950 - SPAGNA
Bibliografia internazionale
  1. Elena Brinkley, St Clair to direct Powell in The Canary murder case, "Hollywood Daily Citizen", February 19, 1928
  2. * Anonimo, What a bird this one is, "Washington Post", July 15, 1928
  3. Anonimo, Preparations move along for filming Canary murder case, "Mansfield News", September 18, 1928
  4. Anonimo, Jean Arthur completes cast of mystery film, "Mansfield News", September 27, 1928
  5. Anonimo, Author declares film better than book, "Hollywood News", October 12, 1928
  6. Anonimo, S.S. Van Dine murder mystery going into pictures, "Daily Oklahoman", October 21, 1928
  7. Anonimo, Trick shadowy photograph discarded in murder film, "Los Angeles Times", November 4, 1928
  8. S. S. Van Dine, The Canary murder case, Grosset & Dunlop, 1929
  9. * Anonimo, The Canary murder case, "Screenland", January 1929
  10. Anonimo, The daily terror, "Motion Picture Classic", January 1929
  11. Welford Beaton, "Film Spectator", January 26, 1929
  12. [RCA1] Anonimo, The Canary murder case, "Motion Picture", February 1929
  13. [RCA2] Anonimo, Current pictures: The Canary murder case, "Photoplay", February 1929
  14. Anonimo, Picturization of Van Dine novel coming, "Los Angeles Times", February 8, 1929
  15. Anonimo, Theaters, "Richmond Banner", February 8, 1929
  16. [RCA3] Loella O. Parsons, Canary murder case pulsating mystery picture, "Los Angeles Examiner", February 8, 1929
  17. Edwin Schallert, The Canary murder case presented at the Paramount Theater,"Los Angeles Times", February 8, 1929
  18. [RCA4] Ken Taylor, Now put Philo Vance on cock robin mystery, "Los Angeles Evening Express", February 8, 1929
  19. Anonimo, Canary murder case shows for only one week, "Hollywood Filmograph", February 9, 1929
  20. [RCA5] A. Fulton Gillaspey, New musical director, thriller at Granada, "San Francisco Bulletin", February 9, 1929
  21. *[RCA6] Charles F. Massey, Canary murder case features at the Granada, "San Francisco News", February 9, 1929
  22. [RCA7] R. S., The Canary murder is Granada hit, "San Francisco Call and Post", February 9, 1928
  23. [RCA8] George C. Warren, Talkie tone mastered by St. Clair, "San Francisco Chronicle", February 9, 1929
  24. Anonimo, Canary murder thrills lovers of good mystery, "Seattle Daily Times", February 11, 1929
  25. [RCA9] Everhardt Armstrong, Miss Stewart featured in stage exhibit, "Seattle Post Intelligencer", February 11, 1929
  26. [RCA10] Mollie Merrick, Says English to be future's esperanto, "Lincoln Evening Journal", February 14, 1929
  27. Anonimo, Florence to open new mystery film, "Pasadena Star-News", February 16, 1929
  28. Anonimo, Canary murder is screen show at Loew's State, "New Orleans Times-Picayune", February 17, 1929
  29. Anonimo, At the Ritz, "Tulsa Tribune", February 17, 1929
  30. [RCA11] Edward E. Gloss., Canary murder case is fine film, "Akron Beacon Journal", February 18, 1929
  31. K. T. K., Asbestos, "New Orleans Times-Picayune", February 18, 1929
  32. [RCA12] W. Ward Marsh, Powell creates slickest of detectives, "Cleveland Plain Dealer", February 18, 1929
  33. [RCA13] Star-News Critic, Suspense is kept in talkie murder, "Pasadena Star-News", February 18, 1929
  34. Mel Washburn, Canary murder case scores at Loews, "New Orleans Item", February 18, 1929
  35. Anonimo, Thrilling mystery is drawing large crowds of picture fans, "Pasadena Star-News", February 19, 1929
  36. [RCA14] Anonimo, Canary murder case, talkie, at Shea's Century, "Buffalo Courier-Express", February 24, 1929
  37. Anonimo, Canary case is baffling for slueths, "Chicago Herald and Examiner", February 24, 1929
  38. Anonimo, S.S. Van Dyne novel makes mystery talkie, "St. Louis Globe-Democrat", February 24, 1929
  39. [RCA15] Anonimo, Shea's Century - Canary murder case, "Buffalo Evening News", February 25, 1929
  40. C. A., Movies, "Minneapolis Star", February 25, 1929
  41. I. G., Movies, "Minneapolis Tribune", February 25, 1929
  42. Anonimo, Offerings of the week at Buffalo's leading playhouses, "Buffalo Courier-Express", February 25, 1929
  43. Anonimo, New films, "Indianapolis Star", February 25, 1929
  44. [RCA16] L. D. J., At the Des Moines, "Des Moines Register", February 25, 1929
  45. Anita Mueller, Screen in review, "St. Louis Globe-Democrat", February 25, 1929
  46. [RCA17] Nie., The week's new films, "St. Louis Post-Dispatch", February 25, 1929
  47. Anonimo, Canary murder case places William Powell at top in talkies, "Chicago Daily Journal", February 27, 1929
  48. [RCA18] Wood Soanes, Powell makes hit as hero on Oakland bill, "Oakland Tribune", March 2, 1929
  49. [RCA19] D. W., Mystery tale well staged as Oakland all-talkie, "Oakland Post-Enquirer", March 2, 1929
  50. Anonimo, Canary murder case on Howard screen, "Atlanta Constitution", March 3, 1929
  51. [RCA20] Paul W. Larkin, Theaters, "Daily Oklahoman", March 4, 1929
  52. Anonimo, Whoa, Pegasus!, "Columbia Missourian", March 9, 1929
  53. Anonimo, Pictures playing Atlanta this week, "Weekly Film Review", March 9, 1929
  54. Anonimo, The Canary murder case in Paramount theater, "New Yorker Volkszeitung", March 10, 1929
  55. Anonimo, Mystery film booking in Penn, "Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph", March 10, 1929
  56. Anonimo, Detective Karn in dialogue is Loew's feature, "Richmond Times-Dispatch", March 10, 1929
  57. Anonimo, Both dialogue sequences and silent needed, "Washington Post", March 10, 1929
  58. Anonimo, Canary murder case, a mystery drama, is the attraction at the Palace, "Memphis Commercial Appeal, March 10, 1929
  59. Anonimo, Cabrillo theatre offers gripping mystery picture, "San Diego Union", March 10, 1928
  60. Anonimo, Louise Brooks comes home in greatest role of career, "Wichita Beacon", March 10, 1929
  61. [RCA21] M. de R., Philo Vance solves one, "Morning Telegraph", March 10, 1929
  62. H. W. F., Canary murder case, "Wichita Eagle", March 10, 1929
  63. * Irene Thirer, Canary murder case thrilling mystery at Paramount yesterday, "Daily News", March 10, 1929
  64. Anonimo, Murder mystery makes good film, "Montreal Gazette", March 11, 1929 - CANADA
  65. [RCA22] Regina Cannon, Canary murder case thriller, "New York American", March 11, 1929
  66. John S. Cohen Jr., The new photoplays, "New York Sun", March 11, 1929
  67. Martin Dickstein, The cinema circuit, "Brooklyn Daily Eagle", March 11, 1929
  68. *[RCA23] Mordaunt Hall, Who strangled the dancer?, "New York Times", March 11, 1929
  69. [RCA24] Bland Johaneson, Thrills in plenty on Broadway's screens, "Daily Mirror", March 11, 1929
  70. [RCA25] Creighton Peet, The new films, "New York Post", March 11, 1929
  71. [RCA26] K. Z., Dialogue submerges action in Canary murder case film, "New York Telegram", March 11, 1929
  72. [RCA27] Rose Pelswick, The Canary murder case, "New York Journal", March 11, 1929
  73. A. S., The new films, "The World", March 11, 1929
  74. [RCA28] Anonimo, Penn mystery one of best, "Pittsburgh Post-Gazzette", March 12, 1929
  75. [RCA29] J. O. C., Palace, "Memphis Commercial Appeal", March 12, 1929
  76. [RCA30] Polly, At Loew's, "Richmond Times-Dispatch", March 12, 1929
  77. *[RCA31] Richard Watts Jr., The Canary murder case - Paramount, "New York Herald Tribune", March 12, 1929
  78. [RCA32] Anonimo, Canary murder is attraction at U.C.,  "Berkeley Daily Gazzette", March 13, 1929
  79. * Bige., The Canary murder case, "Variety", March 14, 1929
  80. [RCA33] J. E. P., The Canary murder case, "Billboard", March 16, 1929
  81. Anonimo, Mystery play to be shown at Stanley, "Baltimore Sun", March 17, 1929
  82. Anonimo, The Canary murder case (all talker), "Film Daily", March 17, 1929
  83. [RCA34] Anonimo, The Canary murder case (silent), "Film Daily", March 17, 1929
  84. S. B., Who killed Canary, "Wall Street Journal", March 20, 1929
  85. Anonimo, Music and the movies, "Musical Courier", March 21, 1929
  86. Anonimo, Broadway night life picturized, "Los Angeles Times", March 22, 1929
  87. [RCA35] Frederick James Smith, An entertaining crime, "Liberty", March 23, 1929
  88. [RCA36] Mordaunt Hall, The finger of suspicion, "New York Times", March 24, 1929
  89. [RCA37] Anonimo, Opinions on pictures, "Motion Picture News", March 23, 1929
  90. Mordaunt Hall, Poetic hindu picture, "New York Times", March 24, 1929
  91. [RCA38] Anonimo, Photoplay reviews, "Cincinnati Enquirer", March 25, 1929
  92. [RCA39] Boyd Martin, Piping the plays, "Courier-Journal", March 25, 1929
  93. Anonimo, William Powell plays detective in colonial film, "Hartford Courant", March 31, 1929
  94. Anonimo, Eckel, "Syracuse Post-Standard", March 31, 1929
  95. [RCA40] Margaret L. Coyne, New picture plays, "Post-Standard", April 1, 1929
  96. Anonimo, Mystery picture is Stanton feature, "Philadelphia Inquirer", April 2, 1929
  97. [RCA41] Anonimo, Canary murder case - Stanton, "Philadelphia Public Ledger", April 2, 1929
  98. [RCA42] Harold Heffernan, The new movies in review, "Detroit News", April 8, 1929
  99. [RCA43] Ella H. McCormick, Reel players, "Detroit Free Press", April 8, 1929
  100. Charles Richardson, Van Dine thriller and The letter are well done, "Detroit Times", April 8, 1929
  101. [RCA44] Nelson B. Bell, Behind the screens, "Washington Post", April 9, 1929
  102. [RCC1] Lawrence Mason, A pretty puzzle, "Toronto Globe and Mail", April 9, 1929 - CANADA
  103. [RCA45] Harry Evans, Movies, "Life", April 12, 1929
  104. [RCA46] Mary Porter Russell, Offerings at the local theaters, "Washington Post", April 15, 1929
  105. [RCA47] Anonimo, Opening attractions in Washington theaters, "Washington Star", April 15, 1929
  106. [RCA48] J. W. B., Melodrama, and good at Met, "Washington Times", April 15, 1929
  107. [RCA49] Lee Somers, Van Dine story Metropolitan's film offering, "Washington Herald", April 15, 1929
  108. Anonimo, At the Capitol, "Calgary Daily Herald", April 16, 1929 - CANADA
  109. Anonimo, Great mystery thriller here, "Decatur Evening Herald", April 21, 1929
  110. Anonimo, Regent, "Flint Journal", April 21, 1929
  111. Anonimo, Canary murder case, "Movie Times", April 21, 1926 - GIAPPONE
  112. Anonimo, Who killed the Canary, "San Jose Evening News", April 24, 1929
  113. [RCA50] Anonimo, California shows mystery thriller, "San Jose Mercury Herald", April 24, 1929
  114. Anonimo, Baffling case of Canary now at Sheboygan, "Sheboygan Press", April 24, 1929
  115. Anonimo, In movieland, "Manitoba Free Press", April 29, 1929 - CANADA
  116. Anonimo, The Canary murder case, "Screen Secrets", May, 1929
  117. Anonimo, Van Dine praises picture writers, "Ann Arbor Daily News", May 4, 1929
  118. A. W.J., Stage and screen, "Ann Arbor Daily News", May 6, 1929
  119. Anonimo, William Powell, as Philo Vance, has lead in Canary murder case, "Lansing State Journal", May 11, 1929
  120. Anonimo, Former Follies dancer in Canary murder case, "Lansing State Journal", May 13, 1929
  121. Anonimo, Majestic offers two great shows next week, "Reno Gazette", May 18, 1929
  122. [RCA51] Norbert Lusk, The screen in review: who killed the Canary?, "Picture-Play", June, 1929
  123. Anonimo, Mystery author film at last, "Salinas Index Journal", June 3, 1929
  124. S. S. Van Dine, The Canary murder case, "Grit", August 18, 1929
  125. Anonimo, Two most popular themes, jazz and mystery, presented in double feature at Schoolfield Y.M.C.A. this week,
             "Bee", August 26, 1929
  126. El Sayyed Hassan Gomaa, 1930? Ripubblicato in Id., (a cura di Farida Marei), The writings of El Sayyed Hassan Gomaa, II, 1930 -
              1934, Ministero della Cultura - Egyptian Film Center)
  127. P. Jerome Willis, The cinema in Singapore, "New York Times", June 28, 1931
  128. Ray Cabana Jr., Murder, mythology & Mother Goose, "K'Scope", II, nr. 3, 1967
  129. Russell C. Sweeney, Coming next week: a pictorial history of film advertising, Castle Books, 1973
  130. Pauline Kael, 5001 nights at the movies, Rinehart and Winston, 1982
  131. * Jay Robert Nash - Stanley Ralph Ross, The Canary murder case, in Iid., The motion picture guide, II, Cinebooks, 1985
  132. * John Douglas Eames, The Canary murder case, in Id., The Paramount story, Octopus Books, 1985
  133. Lawrence J. Quirk, in Id.The complete films of William Powell, Citadel Press, 1986
  134. James Robert Parish - Michael R. Pitts, The great detective pictures, Scarecrow Press, 1990
  135. John Loughery, Alias S.S. Van Dine, Scribners, 1992
  136. * Leonard Maltin, The Canary murder case, in Id., Tv and video movie guide 2005, Signet, 2004

Index ] Pagina superiore ] Louise Brooks, A girl in every port ] Louise Brooks, It's the old Army game ] Louise Brooks, It pays to advertise ] Louise Brooks, documentari ] Louise Brooks, Evening clothes ] Louise Brooks, King of gamblers ] Louise Brooks, God's gift to women ] Louise Brooks, Love 'em and leave 'em ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora I ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora II ] Louise Brooks, Overland stager raiders ] Louise Brooks, The show off ] Louise Brooks, A social celebrity ] Louise Brooks, The street of forgotten men ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen I ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen II ] Louise Brooks, Prix de beauté ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen III ] Louise Brooks, When you're in love ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen IV ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen V ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora I ] Louise Brooks, Overland stager raiders ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora II ] Louise Brooks, Love 'em and leave 'em ] Louise Brooks, Now we're in the air ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora III ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora IV ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen VI ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen VII ] Louise Brooks, The American Venus ] Louise Brooks, Windy Riley goes Hollywood ] Louise Brooks, Prix de beauté ] Louise Brooks, Rolled stockings ] Louise Brooks, Empty saddles ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora III ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora IV ] Louise Brooks, When you're in love ] [ Louise Brooks, The Canary murder case ] Louise Brooks, Now we're in the air ] Louise Brooks, Just another blonde ] Louise Brooks, Beggars of life ] Louise Brooks, The city gone wild ]